End-to-end implants linked to rare cancer in the first reported case


A woman with gluteal implants has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that, until now, was largely linked to breast implants, according to a new report from the woman's case.

The case marks the first time that this cancer – called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) – is linked to gluteal implants, said the report's authors.

ALCL is a type of lymphoma, which is a cancer of the cells of the immune system. Over the last eight years, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified more than 450 cases of this cancer linked to breast implants. According to the FDA, most of these cases have occurred in women wearing textured breast implants. [27 Oddest Medical Case Reports]

The "woman case" helps to demonstrate that many textured implants could potentially be [a] risk [factor] ALCL and that, in general, the discussion should move from "cancer associated with breast implants" to [cancer]"To better encompass the full spectrum of the disease," the authors wrote in the report published Feb. 15 in Aesthetic Surgery Journal.

In this case, the 49-year-old woman received textured gluteal implants about a year before the cancer diagnosis. The doctors observed an ulceration of the skin around his implants and imaging tests revealed the presence of fluid around the implants.

Unfortunately, the cancer has spread to other parts of his body, including his lungs. A biopsy of a mass in his lung revealed "characteristic" cells of LALC, the report says. Despite aggressive chemotherapy, the patient died several months later.

The authors noted that this case only shows an association between the woman's textured implants and ALCL and that they can not confirm that the implants were the cause of the woman's cancer. The doctors also wrote that this patient seemed to be suffering from a particularly aggressive cancer, diagnosed just one year after her implants. In most cases of ALCL-related breast implants, cancer occurs about 10 years after implant surgery.

Nevertheless, the authors emphasized that physicians should "recognize that patients wearing textured silicone implants other than breast implants may also be at risk of developing ALCL". Authors considering textured implants should be aware of possible risks and be aware of signs of implant-related complications.

Researchers have asked for more studies on how these implants could cause this cancer.

Originally published on Science live.


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