‘Entourage’ star Kevin Connolly has a temper tantrum after towing his Tesla


Entourage star Kevin Connolly had a temper tantrum after his expensive car was towed from a flower shop. The store manager has now barred him from entering the premises, TMZ reported.

Connolly is said to have parked his car in the Nicolai Bergmann Flowers & Design lot in Los Angeles, the director told TMZ. Florists say there’s a podcast studio near the store and Connolly uses their parking spots for his Tesla apparently when recording podcasts.

The manager told TMZ they repeatedly warned Connolly not to use their parking lot, leaving notes on his car. But on Tuesday, after Connolly’s car had been parked for over an hour, the store called a tow truck.

Connolly entered the flower shop shortly after in a scene recorded by security cameras. He appeared to be yelling at the staff, then stormed out, kicking a few items near the door as he left the store.

The store manager said Connolly was no longer welcome in the store.


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