Epic Games Can Hold Fortnite Tournaments Without Royal Battle Format | Dexerto.com


Epic Games plans to hold Fortnite tournaments without royal battle mode, according to Team Liquid's Jake 'POACH' Brumleve.

Fortnite by nature is a royal battle title, with 100 players jumping off the battle bus, landing on the map and looking for weapons and items while they're trying to eliminate the enemies and are the last person or team to stand up.

But with the introduction of Fortnite's creative mode, players can now participate in custom modes separate from the main Battle Royale mode, and Epic Games could use these special modes in future tournaments.

Players like Tfue and Cloak have been hugely successful in the current format of the Royal Battle.

Jake 'POACH' Brumleve, a professional Fortnite player, said in his booklet on Thursday, Feb. 21 that developers were discussing the possibility of playing future tournaments outside of the Royal Battle format.

"Fortnite has a lot of possibilities outside of royal battle," POACH told his viewers. "I talked to the developers, and that's something they're considering. With the addition of Creative, more tournaments could be based on things that are not at all royal. "


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