Eta Aquarids meteor shower returns for dazzling display


The meteor shower Eta Aquarids is back for its annual show and scientists say it should be really impressive over the next two nights.

With a new moon allowing a black background starting on Saturday, the display should be very visible. Saturday night / Sunday morning and Sunday evening / Monday morning should be ideal for observers.

EarthSky says most meteors could fall "before dawn (or near) May 5".
NASA says the shower "reaches its peak in the morning of the 6th."

The observation will be better in the southern hemisphere.

"You will see less of it in the northern hemisphere because the original point of the shower, called the radiant, does not rise until well after midnight and does not rise too high in the sky before dawn ", said NASA.

The meteor shower is produced by the debris left by Halley's comet. The frozen particles disintegrate in the Earth's atmosphere, thus triggering the bright and colorful display.

Halley's last comet flew near us in 1986 and is not expected to return until 2061. But his remains illuminate the sky all year long.

Want to see for yourself?

NASA advises: "Find a place well away from the light of the city.Prepare yourself with a sleeping bag, blanket or garden chair.Large on your back, feet to the east. and look up at the sky, taking the most of the sky.After about 30 minutes in the dark, your eyes will adjust and you will start seeing meteors. "


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