Al-Shabab terrorist group bans single-use plastic bags in Somalia


Over the years, al-Shabab, a terrorist group in East Africa that has sworn allegiance to al-Qaeda, banned music, movie theaters, satellite dishes, and humanitarian organizations

. the list of prohibitions: plastic bags.

Residents of areas controlled by the terrorist group operating from Somalia will no longer be able to use plastic bags, in respect of the environment.

A group better known for suicide bombings that killed and maimed thousands of people – caused a wave of scorn memes on the Internet, some calling al-Shabab the first environmentally friendly terrorist organization

]., a pro-Shabab site that would be run by the terrorist group's media office. The site aired an audio recording of Mohammed Abu Abdullah, the governor of Al-Shabab in the Jubaland region, who said that plastic bags "pose a serious threat to the well-being of humans and animals ". message posted to an account badociated with Shabab.

The announcement was also broadcast on Radio Andalus, the group's radio station.

  A photo taken on June 2, 2018 shows people searching a garbage dump in Mogadishu, Somalia.

A photo taken on June 2, 2018 shows occupants of a garbage dump in Mogadishu, Somalia


Harun Maruf, the founder of the Somali Radio Investigative Dossier program and the co -author of "Inside Al-Shabaab", explained in a Twitter post: "The militant group reportedly issued a general directive banning plastic bags, and gave the environment He added," What Shabab n & # He did not ban: bombings, badbadinations, attacks on civilians. "

Mohammed Abdullaahi Ali, a medical student living in the interior of the country, Mogadishu, the capital, was One of the many Somalis who found the decision weird.

"I heard that they banned plastic bags via social media," Ali said in an interview. I see this as a good decision, but they have to ask themselves: Why do they also forbid Humanitarians to operate in areas controlled by the Shabab? "

He added:" I do not know why sanitation and environmental health, it is important but not the health workers. "


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