Russia has declared that the decision of President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council has really improved the work of the international organization
Gennady Gatilov , Permanent Representative of Moscow to the United Nations and other organizations based in Geneva. remarks at a press conference Friday. When asked if the American release had an effect on the working atmosphere at the Human Rights Council, Gatilov replied: "This has, and in our opinion, for the better, "according to the Russian news agency Tbad" The atmosphere at the Council has become much more constructive, the level of politicization and confrontational rhetoric has dropped, "he said, adding that 39 he hoped "that this trend will continue in the future" despite fears that Washington "the HRC continues its work energetically, there is an active discussion of all items at the order of day, "he continued, noting that" the opportunity to become a member of the board is open. to each country, including the United States. "
With the United States out of the Human Rights Council, Russia has expressed the desire to take its seat. The UN mission in Russia argued in a tweet following the US release that the council was supposed to serve all members and that "the United States deliberately ignored this fact in their attempt to turn the HRC into an instrument to promote only their interests. " [19659002LesÉtats-UnisetlaRussiesesontmutuellementaccusésdeviolationsdesdroitsdel'hommeetdecrimesdeguerreLesdeuxpayssontimpliquésdansdesconflitsauMoyen-OrientetbienqueWashingtonsesoitsolidementappuyéavecIsraëlseullaRussieamaintebadsrelationsétroitesavecIsraëletdesliensétroitsavecsesrivauxl'IranetlaSyrieContrairementauxÉtats-UnislaRussiereconnaîtaussibienl'Étatd'Israëlquel'ÉtatdePalestinesoutenantunesolutionàdeuxÉtatsauconflitquiduredepuisdesdécenniesentrelesdeuxpeuples
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