The Council refutes the ban on Donald Trump of Magid Magid


  Sheffield Mayor Magid Magid announces Donald Trump's ban on Twitter

Sheffield Mayor Magid Magid announces Donald Trump's ban on Twitter

The gesture is all about symbolic fact – there is no indication Trump intends to visit Sheffield, and mayors can not unilaterally prevent anyone from visiting their city.

He wore a sombrero "in solidarity" with Mexico and also wore chains of ceremonial town halls and a black t-shirt that said: "Donald Trump is a wasteman", which is a slang term that designates Someone who lacks merit and maturity.

So even though Mayor Magid's statement is little more than a political affair, he could very well help coordinate major events in the UK with his political party mates of Labor and Green parties while Trump is in the country.

Magid Magid, Mayor of Sheffield, England, announced on Twitter Wednesday, he has " banned" US President Donald Trump Sheffield, a decision that he also delivered at a town council meeting on Wednesday, reported The Hill.

He said: "Not that I think it will come to Sheffield but it's about sending a message to all of my of. I have spoken to a lot of the Mexican community in Sheffield, and they said that they were totally in agreement.

Magid Magid, a 28-year-old Somali refugee and Green Party advisor, was elected mayor of May

As for Trump's call a "wasteman?"

He said: "First, it is the ridiculous and racist Muslim ban". To be foolishly removed from the Paris Agreement on Climate

Magid and the US Embbady in London did not respond to the demands of comment

"To enforce the imprisonment of children at the borders, which I can not even describe as it is very bad, and to literally defend the violent actions of white supremacists.

But the likelihood that he is really able to ban Trump to the city is dubious. [19659004ElleaembarrbadetoutourcountryItwasniestonetorecievethetitleatSheffieldreportingHuffingtonPost

He also skipped the inauguration ceremony for a previous position at the post of Deputy Lord Mayor in order to appear in the TV show Hunted ] which sees competitors getting pbad for fugitives by a team of "hunters" for a chance to win £ 100,000.

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