Buy peace with oil? Why not?


Peter KuotNgong

First of all, in my opinion about the proposed governance structure that is being discussed while South Sudanese are publicly criticizing it, I would like to say before criticizing and concluding that Sudan's South will make a world record with 5 vice-presidents, know that:

1. Iran has 12 vice-presidents

2. Cuba has 7 PVs

3. Guyana has 4 VPs

4. Comoros has 3 VPs

5. Honduras has 3

6. North Korea 4

7.Zimbabwe 2

8.Burundi 2

9.Sudan 2

10. Afghanistan 2

Thus, Iran holds the world record that South Sudan is not even close to it. Circumstances determine what people adopt to live in peace and harmony. The violent quest for power by many politicians and warlords in South Sudan leaves peace mediators with no choice but to create as many vacant positions as possible to welcome everyone into government so that we can live in peace and harmony.

I look forward to peace in all its forms as long as it will be all that will silence arms, give our poor citizens living in the horrible conditions in IDP camps and refugee centers. neighboring countries the opportunity to return the villages, can cultivate their fertile land and produce food for themselves

The peace agreement might not be easy, it could make us lose our dignity to foreign interests, our resources, our territorial integrity and even our lands to countries of high suspicions like Sudan, but I would fight the chest as a young man that in the next 10 to 20 years I will go bring back what belongs to South Sudan from its enemies who I took advantage of the fight between my greedy fathers.

As negotiations continue in Khartoum, we seem to think too much about oil. If we want to buy peace with him, so be it. It will not be the first time that Dr. Riek Machar and the late General Paulino Matip Nhial hand him over to Bashir for the first time in 1997. Even with such a violent displacement of their poor innocents to evacuate the oilfields on which their huts rested By bombing their villages with heavy artillery, aerial bombardment with jet fighters and Antonov bombers and targeting them remotely with combat helicopters, Riek and Matip drank and dined with Bashir in Khartoum. The only two heroes to boycott the case were Taban Deng Gai and Peter Gatdet. Taban Deng Gai ran for his dear life in Nairobi after Bashir tried to kill him when he complained of the bombing and burning of civilian villages while he was the governor of the High West-Nile. Peter Gatdet went into the bush and beat himself. It was such a tragic moment that Dinkas and Nuer suffered a great deal of pain that brought them together to fight together. Unfortunately, they have not managed to fight Sudan using oil to buy new and sophisticated weapons from China and Iran.

At that time, we were languishing in the jungles of Equatoria, struggling to maintain small lands controlled by the SPLA while Khartoum almost won by expelling us from our country to Uganda and Kenya. We were fighting for a country and did not even think of oil as a major resource, but our fertile farmland that Dr. John Garang was telling us to grow and produce food. But this country that has cost so much lives of two and a half million souls has been diverted as predicted by our late father Dr. John Garang of Mabior – by people who cut off much of the land and sell it for a bottle of beer. As long as they feel that their stomach is empty, they will continue to cut more chunks of dirt and we will eventually lose it completely. The country will be gone. So why not let the oil go to these devils and their father Bashir and we have our country?

The former Venezuelan oil minister who also helped found OPEC, Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo warned his country in 1976 that, quote: "Ten years from now, in twenty years, you will see, the oil will bring us to ruin … It's the devil's excrement. " Anquote, oil is indeed a waste product of the devil If in any case, you could After following the evolution in Venezuela, they now have the lowest inflation rate in the world. Venezuelan is now fasting. A Venezuelan is starving. But why when Venezuela was declared in 2012 holding 263 billion barrels Can you now believe that it is a devil's excrement?

Oil has destroyed other major nations like Nigeria, Iraq, Syria and Libya Oil wealth is accumulated in a short time but estroy a nation also in a short time. Libya was an African nation so rich in oil wealth, but we all know what happened afterwards.

Look at countries with no oil resources like Rwanda, thriving agricultural resources and maximizing tax revenues. They are fine and nobody disturbs them. Oil attracts all the world agents of the devil in the form of oil companies to come and destroy a nation.

So we buy peace from Sudan because there will be no day when the Bashir government will be happy to see us live in peace. It is the reason why there were so many rebellions in South Sudan even before December 2013, because it provides free weapons to anyone who announces his opposition to the Government of Southern Sudan. But now, with a collapsing economy that relies heavily on oil, Bashir would like to see peace in South Sudan so that oil can be pumped peacefully to the global market and receives a larger share in the form of transit fees. port taxes, compensation recently granted for the destruction made to Heglig during the 2012 military clashes between Sudan and South Sudan, as well as the payments for security services provided by the SAFs.

When all this happens, Bashir will be in favor of peace in South Sudan. for the next five years. When guns are silent, can we not take advantage of the opportunity for South Sudanese to sit down, talk, reconcile and heal? So meaningfully, fraternally and constructively renegotiating to redefine the status quo and replace it with one that respects the rule of law and provide each of us with equal opportunities to participate in the development of our emerging nation?

The writer is a former journalist in South Sudan, political commentator and postgraduate student at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. He can be contacted on [email protected]

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