A look at the new design of the Chrome tab


  • The new design of Chrome. We get new forms of tabs, a white tab background, a rounded address bar, and more.

  • A single tab window has a white background and, with a blank tab, the background of the tabs and tabs blends.

  • When multiple tabs are open, the background becomes gray and allows some separation of the tabs. However, the tabs in the background only get one vertical separator rather than separate shapes.

  • Here is everything in incognito mode.

  • The new design takes more space. The tab and the address bar (shown here maximized) are bigger now,

  • The Chrome sync interface now shows your photo right next to the address bar .

  • There are also some adjustments to the autocomplete pop-up window.

Chrome will soon be reorganized, and this week new changes have begun to occur in the "Canary" version of Chrome. Google launches a new version of Material Design through its products, called "Google Material Theme", and after starting in Android P and Gmail.com, it begins to spread on the other major products of Google. On Chrome, this means major changes in the tab and the address bar. Remember, this is only a nightly compilation, so things might change before the stable release. But these changes align well with previous Chrome redesign documents.

The first thing you will notice is the tab bar. The tabs now have a rectangular shape with rounded corners instead of the trapezoidal shape of the current design. The separation of the tabs has also undergone many changes. With only one tab open, you will not see any separate tabs. The current tab is always white, and in single tab mode, the background of the tab bar is also white, so everything blends. I like the general idea here: if you do not use multiple tabs, it is not necessary to display all the tab separation elements.

With multiple tabs open, the tab background becomes light gray and the background tabs become vertical separators rather than separate tabs. Next to the tab bar is a big plus button to add tabs, which is noticeably more obvious than the current untagged Chrome button. I have not tried the Mac version (these are all screenshots of Windows), but according to the design documents, the new tab button will be on the left side for Mac eventually .

The address bar section gets some tweaks, too. The address bar is round now, just like on Android. The autocomplete drop-down list is now a box, instead of a bar that extends over the width of the window. To the left of the address bar is a new Chrome Sync account button, which now displays your Google profile picture instead of the account name.

All of the general reasons for designing new materials are here: everything is white and round and there is a little more space in things like the tab bar and the semi input box. automatic. Again, everything is subject to change, but for the moment it's another step on the road to a stable design.

Image Quotation by Google Chrome

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