Activists attack the Moyale police station


A security team consisting of KDF, GSU ​​Reco and regular police rakes the Sololo area in Marsabit in search of OLF militants after an unsuccessful attack on Qate AP camp

Activists destroyed the ATPU car by spraying it with bullets before leaving.

The attack comes just four months after Al Shabaab attacked and killed five policemen in two security camps in Fino, Afghanistan. Mandera County.


Deputy Commissioner of Lafey County Eric Oronyi stated that the attack targeted both Kenyan police and administrative police camps in the city of Fino. at the present time, five officers have died and three others have been wounded, "said the deputy commissioner.

Oronyi claimed that the badailants, who numbered between 70 and 100

39 first dragged their cannons onto a telecommunications mast in the city of Lafey, ostensibly to disable communication between the officers and their bosses, before storming the camps


At the Kenyan police camp, three police officers were injured and were waiting to be airlifted to Nairobi for treatment. [19659010] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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