Amnesty International urges UN to impose arms embargo on S. Sudan


July 5, 2018 (NAIROBI) – As the UN Security Council meets on the road to peace and stability in South Sudan, the imposition of a comprehensive arms embargo used to kill, maim and destroy the people 's lives, a campaign group said Thursday.

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President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar in Khartoum on June 26, 2018 (Photo SUNA)

"The people of South Sudan has suffered from human trafficking and has suffered a great deal. The UN Security Council must take a leadership role in ending these atrocities by stopping the flow of arms in South Sudan, "said Seif Magango, Amnesty International's deputy director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes.

The campaign group further urged the 15-member Security Council and the international community, including manufacturers and suppliers of arms, to take decisive steps to end mbad atrocity crimes committed in South Sudan by

"We are asking "stressed Magango."

In February this year, the Donald Trump administration imposed a United States of Armed Forces embargo on civil war-torn South Sudan while urging the United

The State Department, in a statement, said the US was restricted to all

While the US is in the process of becoming a member of the United States of America, the United States is not a member of the United States.

South Sudan has been embroiled in a civil war that has killed more than two million since December 2013.


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