Auckland woman leaves $ 2 million to charity and changes the lives of thousands of people in Africa | 1 NEWS


In a rural area of ​​Ethiopia, stories are told about a large kiwi woman named Jennifer who has changed the lives of thousands of people.

His legacy brought a system of water supply to a part of Ethiopia. Source: Seven Sharp

She brought water to areas that never had it before and gave hope to young women from more than five villages.

All they know about her is that she calls Jennifer and that she comes from a place she 's sure call New Zealand and that's how she wanted it

So, the question remains who is Jennifer?

Jennifer is a Auckland woman who ventured into the Horn of Africa in her youth. a year ago, she made a plan with UNICEF to use the proceeds from the sale of her property to finance infrastructure in poor villages of Ethiopia.

His property was sold for $ 2 million, much more than the $ 400,000 selling would raise.

This Fund Event It has helped five villages and now 34,000 people have clean water under high pressure and no one travels more than 500 meters to collect it.

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