Battlefield V News – Battlefield V will not launch with its new great mode of operation


For the revelation of Battlefield V, and the months that followed, marquee mode has always been the new Big Operations. In DICE's own words, "Big Operations is the ultimate multiplayer experience." Only, if you play your new brilliant copy of Battlefield 5 on October 19th, you will not be able to play Major Operations on the day of the launch.

In a new update, DICE confirmed that the first major operation will be available "shortly after launch" . In the following months, DICE will launch new Major Operations in new battlefields.

The Major Operations themselves are an improved version of Battlefield 1 Operations. However, in Battlefield 1, there were four Operations on the day of launch. for the players to make their teeth. This time, it seems we had to settle for Conquest and Rush for a week or two before the first Grand Operation.

Each Grand Operation takes place over several days of play, offering several tricks and fashions that can affect tomorrow's difficulty. For example, a team might not be able to get into a vehicle the first day, and the next day it would have fewer vehicles with which to fight. In total, each Grand Operation should last approximately one hour, although it may be longer in nearby areas.

While it is disappointing to hear that we will not be able to jump into Battlefield V's Big Operations on the day of the game's launch and the place where DICE is heading with his service approach. All post-launch cards, vehicles and weapons will be free, and it appears that the additional content will be integrated as part of the Grand Operation special events. The problem is that it could mean that BF5 is a little light on the content at launch, although we will have to wait and see if that is the case.

Battlefield 5 launches Oct. 19 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. People brave enough to sign up for EA Access will be able to jump in a week early on October 12 and play until 10 am.

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