Boxes of loot & # 39; Forza & # 39; will not be available any longer


Specifically, people were wary of crates at launch, even though they are bought with the game currency you earn by completing races and the like. The grunts of the community calmed down after his appearance The 10th Tour was not going to monetize them with money from the real world considering the blows received by Electronic Arts in 1945 [StarWars:BattlefrontII. The reaction was that this system seems out of place in the game, "Hartman continued. "The paid chips – which were part of the previous Forza games – will not come to Forza Motorsport 7 or Forza Horizon 4 ."

That will not happen overnight, though. Round 10 is waiting for the process to finish this winter so you do not kill access to badges, gear, or mods you might have gleaned before. The cars were removed from the booty crates wholesale, and now all that is available in them are cosmetic items or bits that do not offer a competitive advantage.

And just like that, the last madness of clumsy monetization of the game finally begins to pbad the $ 10 project

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