BRICS remains a major force for a win-win cooperation: the Chinese Ambassador – Xinhua The BRICS, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, is a major force for "win-win cooperation and democratization of international relations," Ambassador of China South


CAPE TOWN, July 10 (Xinhua) Lin Lintian made the remark at a forum jointly organized by the South African Institute of International Affairs and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of South Africa. Cap.

China looks to the future with a clear improvement He underlined the achievements of the BRICS, claiming that foreign direct investment by BRICS countries contributed 50 percent to global economic growth.

As leaders of BRICS countries gather in Johannesburg later this month for their 10th summit, Lin said the second decade of BRICS cooperation is a "major platform for win -win coo "

He said that China was trying to steer the world in a direction guided by the principle of shared interests and a" common future for humanity. "

" Countries BRICS must send to the world He said that this would be done in the context of the "second decade of cooperation" in which China is ready to work with the world.The international community for a better and shared future, in the framework of a "fair and equitable global governance regime."

The ambbadador pointed out that the current international situation has undergone profound changes, with some superpowers pursuing unilateralism, protectionism and personal interest. "Faced with such a complex situation, strengthening BRICS cooperation is particularly important and essential, he said.

The ambbadador also referred to the significant progress made by his country, the immense opportunities for infrastructure development on the mainland and the specific links China and South Africa together

Reflecting on the China's relations with Africa, Lin said that there was "no empty promise" in this relationship, which is concretely linked to 10 major plans subscribed by the Chinese government

. example of Ethiopia, where a rail corridor and an industrial development corridor built with the help of China contributed to the growth of the gross domestic product of the African country by 10% over four years.

Lin said China has become the largest trading partner in the past nine years, and his country has a positive view of South Africa's development prospects.

The ambbadado He also said that there are vast opportunities for economic cooperation with South Africa in many sectors.

China and South Africa have great potential to strengthen their relations, he said. for a win-win cooperation for common development, "he said.

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