Capitol – Your Illinois Information Radar "*** UPDATE x2 *** More back and forth on HB40


* PAC's personal press release …

With Roe c. Wade on the verge of being overthrown, it is now more important than ever that we have a governor who is a committed advocate of the right to choose – whoever can

Bruce Rauner do politics with HB 40 and women's lives for too long. One day he promises pro-choice voters that he supports HB 40 and the next day he tells anti-choice extremists that he is opposed to HB 40. He lied to me, he lied to Personal PAC, he lied to Jeanne Ives, he lied to the Illinois Family Institute, and he lied to the Cardinal. It's quite an accomplishment.

The truth is that, when he is reelected, Bruce Rauner has proved that he can not be trusted to protect legal abortion in Illinois unless voters are not there. Illinois have a written promise – written promise – that he is re-elected While the Supreme Court is about to overthrow Roe v. Wade, the refusal of Bruce Rauner to sign this commitment before the deadline of June 22 puts the governor Rauner on the same footing of equality. page with Donald Trump counting the hours until abortion becomes illegal in Illinois. Prior to the advent of Roe, the Cook County Hospital had a 17-bed unit called "septic abortion room" where women were admitted with mbadive infections, hemorrhages and deaths due to illegal abortions. The septic abortion ended on January 22, 1973, when Roe was decided

If Governor Rauner does not commit to protecting HB 40, the reopening Septic abortions is Bruce Rauner's promise to women of Illinois.

* Greg Hinz …

At a press conference in Chicago, a group of Democratic officials and a resolutely pro-allied group of Democratic candidate JB Pritzker called GOP Chairman Bruce Rauner to publicly commit to not sign any repeals, modifies or diminishes in any way HB 40. . (and) continue to support HB With the newly-conservative Supreme Court, abortion rights "will suffer death by a thousand cuts", while lawmakers consider that a bill provides for deadlines to be met. waiting, hospital medical standards, Sara Feigenholtz, D-Chicago, said that Republicans could one day regain control of the Legislature.

But reporters continued to wonder if the call for a public promise was not about politics. that the protection of abortion rights, since Rauner already signed HB 40 in law. And if Rauner "showed his dishonesty" by "lying" to the cardinal and the Ives, what good is it for him to sign a statement that would provoke conservatives and that he could move away from it later? ?

"Do Your Best" From Will Allison to Rauner's Campaign …

Hey, All-

Personal PAC held a press conference this morning about HB40 – a

Please see this quote from Rauner Campaign Director, Betsy Ankney:

"Governor Rauner supports a woman's right to choose and he signed legislation that protects that right in Illinois, regardless of what is happening at the federal level. It's pure politics of a group and politicians aligned with Pritzker seeking to scare women. Democrats must stop doing politics with this critical problem. "

NOTE: JB Pritzker donated $ 407,200 to Personal PAC.

In addition, many who attended the press conference congratulated Governor Rauner last year when he signed the bill

Heather Steans: "I am delighted that the governor has decided to honor his commitment"

Sara Feigenholtz: "I am grateful to Governor Rauner for having realized how important this legislation is for women in the current political climate. Governor Rauner has decided to keep his initial promise, and his decision will help ensure that women continue to have access to all reproductive care.

Kelly Cbadidy: The Chicago Sun-Times Interview
QUESTION: Please cite three: The principles of Bruce Rauner, or the decisions he made, with which you agree. also list three of the governor's principles, or the decisions he made, with which you did not agree.

ANSWER: "I agree with the position The governor's final on the HB40, some aspects of criminal justice reform and the TRUST law.He kept his election promise to maintain legal and accessible abortion services in Illinois, which is a a deeply personal question for me. "

* Cosgrove Response to Journalists …

With all due respect to the questions about the need to protect the HB 40, you could easily answer the question of whether the Governor Rauner would veto any bill that would repeal , modify or reduce in any way HB 40 It simply asks him to answer "yes" or "no" to this question. I wait anxiously for you to ask him and hear his answer to this very simple question.

*** UPDATE 1 *** I did not see the Governor's quote in the Sun-Times …

Rauner, too, was accusing Democrats to "try to make politics with"

"I want to clarify that I signed a law here in the state of Illinois so that the rights reproductive rights of women are protected, no matter what happens at the federal level, "said the Governor

. *** UPDATE 2 *** Pritzker Campaign …

In a tweet last night, Bruce Rauner hailed Donald Trump's Supreme Court candidate, Brett Kavanaugh, calling for "a fair hearing and a quick vote." 19659003] Rauner applauded the nomination despite troubling threats to women's rights , affordable health care, and the opinion expressed by Kavanaugh that a president in office is above the criminal prosecution. while Rauner refused to sign a pledge guaranteeing a woman's right to choose, claimed that pro-choice groups "were looking to scare women" and touted herself as "the most ardent defender "anti-choice candidates. "Donald Trump is doing justice to his image and leading a general offensive against affordable health care, women's human rights and the rule of law, as encouraged by Bruce Rauner," said Jordan Abudayyeh Pritzker's word. "Illinoisers can not afford to have a failed governor who puts politics ahead of people and joins Trump's attacks on fundamental rights."

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