China says 4 US airlines missed Taiwan deadline


The Chinese Communist Continent's latest effort to use China's growing economic power to isolate Taiwan's democratically elected government strengthens ties between Beijing and the United States in an increasingly deep-seated trade dispute. Air Lines and Hawaiian Airlines missed Wednesday deadline to change website while 40 other carriers obeyed them

US carriers had hoped that the registration of Taipei without a country would be sufficient because Korean Air has adopted a similar approach. Korean Air, however, began changing its website well before this week's deadline, while US carriers waited until the last minute.

Before the deadline, US air officials warned that several days could pbad. – Including drop-down menus, search results pages and maps – and other outlets

On Friday, American Airlines was "implementing changes," said the spokeswoman Shannon Gilson. Other US airlines declined to comment or did not respond

. The main commercial group of the US industry, Airlines for America, said the carriers had made "initial changes" to address China's concerns. Alison McAfee, a spokeswoman for the group, said: "All flights are operating normally and we are not planning any break in service."

Taiwan and China separated in 1949 following a civil war on the mainland. officially known as the Republic of China, as part of its territory.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China acknowledged on its website that US airlines had made some changes " but the rectification of the content is still incomplete. ""

Beijing has asked the airlines to call the Taiwanese capital "Taipei, China." Three of the American carriers cited by the CAAC have moved to the single mention of Taipei , without country, on their websites. "We met the deadline with what we thought was a good solution for everyone," said Doug Parker, president of American Airlines, during of a conference call organized this week to discuss the financial results of the airline

. The Trump administration dismissed the order in May as being "Orwellian absurdity" and expressed dismay at the airlines.

Other airlines including British Airways, Air Canada and Lufthansa began using "Taipei, China". Airlines do not fly to Taiwan. It has a code-share agreement with China Airlines, but its website does not mention Taipei

Last week, an airline from the Pacific nation of Palau announced that it was closing due to its 39, a decline in Chinese tourism. Last year, the Chinese authorities reportedly asked tourist agencies to stop booking trips to Palau to punish the tiny nation that had diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

In January, the Marriott hotel chain was ordered to close its Chinese site. sent a survey of customers including Taiwan, Tibet and Hong Kong in a list of countries. The government has also criticized the fashion brand Zara and other countries for referring to Taiwan as a country on their websites.


David Koenig in Dallas contributed to this report.

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