Comesa welcomes the transition of Zim … Heads of State welcome political maturity, prevailing peace


  eda1 [19659003] Prosper Ndlovu recently in LUSAKA, Zambia
The Heads of State and Government who attended the 20th Common Market Summit of Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) in Lusaka in Zambia commended Zimbabwe for demonstrating political maturity in peace. He managed the political transition following the resignation of former President Robert Mugabe at the height of Operation Restore Legacy last November.

In a final statement released Friday after the closing of the Indaba regional senior management, state leaders and the government stressed the importance of democracy and good governance in peacekeeping , security and stability.

Noting the Zimbabwean scenario in particular and that of Ethiopia, the Summit called for strengthening democratic processes. The summit commended the political actors as well as the Ethiopian and Zimbabwean peoples for their political maturity and the peaceful way in which the leadership transition has been accomplished. "The rally continues" congratulating His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa on his leadership of Zanu-PF and the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. "

Regional leaders also bid farewell to the former President Mugabe and his Ethiopian counterpart, former Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn after their resignation and appreciated the contributions of the two leaders in their countries and in the region.

Head of the Zimbabwean delegation to the summit, Cde Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, who is also Minister of Presidential Affairs in charge of implementation and monitoring of policies, in his speech, paid tribute to regional leaders backing the country under the new political dispensation.He also promised that the next elections of this month- they would be free, fair and transparent.

In the communique, the summit noted the appreciation by the authorities zi of the pre-electoral evaluation mission conducted in Zimbabwe by Comesa Comers of Elders. before the July 31 elections. Comesa thus confirmed the deployment of an observer mission to Harare and noted that "the harmonized elections will be conducted in accordance with the Constitution of Zimbabwe and the principles and guidelines of Comesa, Sadc and the African Union governing democratic elections. 19659006] On a wider regional scale, the summit congratulated the Democratic Republic of Congo for the progress made in the electoral process and invited all stakeholders to get involved in the process to achieve a successful end of the process . He also congratulated Presidents Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya for re-election as Presidents in their respective countries.

Regional leaders said that Kenya's democratic institutions, including the Supreme Court and the judiciary in general and independent, have shown maturity. They also congratulated President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi for his re-election as President of the Arab Republic of Egypt and for the nomination of its President and President. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the head of the ERPDF and Prime Minister of the Republic of Ethiopia

The summit welcomed the declaration ending the war between Eritrea and the USSR. Ethiopia and congratulated the leaders of both countries for the normalization of relations between the two countries.

In this regard, Comesa Member States were invited to accompany the process towards the implementation of

The Summit implored the other countries in conflict to learn from the example of both countries in the peaceful settlement of disputes.

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