Crescent Moon and Venus are going to be up close tonight: how to see it


It's a good night to see the stars casually. The two brightest objects in the sky of the Earth next to the sun, Venus and the moon, will meet in the evening of July 15th.

That night, a crescent moon sit just to the right of Venus. On the east coast, the two orbs will be two degrees apart by "mid-twilight", reports In the western United States, they will be half distant, creating an even more striking picture.

The pair will hang together until about 10:30 pm local time when they lie down. You will see Venus at the naked eye, but the view, as always, will be more spectacular if you use binoculars or a telescope. It should be easy to spot if you have a clear sky because, well, it's the moon. However, if you are having trouble, the duo will sit in the west sky.

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