Djibouti asks the help of the UN in case of border dispute


Djibouti asks UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to peacefully resolve a border dispute with Eritrea after the end of the 20-year border dispute between Ethiopia and that country.

The Djiboutian ambbadador to the UN, Mohamed Siad Doualeh, asked Guterres for a letter to work with the Security Council to bademble his small port country and Eritrea "for the purpose of facilitate an agreement between them on a mutually acceptable means of peaceful settlement of disputes. "

He said that Djibouti's preference would be from Djibouti's call to the UN chief following the dramatic diplomatic thaw of one of Africa's longest conflicts. which started last month when the new Ethiopian reformist prime minister fully accepted peace. an agreement that ended a 1998-2000 border war with Eritrea that left tens of thousands dead.

Doualeh recalled that the NS Council on Eritrea in 2009 "because of his aggression against Djibouti and his refusal to withdraw his troops from the disputed area, and his rejection of all efforts to mediate between the two parties. "

Between 2010 and 2017 Qatar tried to mediate Qatar withdrew its 450 peacekeeping troops from the border.

Djibouti accused Eritrean troops of occupying the mountainous area of ​​Dumeira shortly after the departure of peacekeepers on June 13, 2017 and filed a complaint Eritrean forces continue to occupy the Djiboutian territory, prisoners of war are still missing, threats of force continue to emanate from the Eritrean side and the risk of violent clashes is again high, "said Doualeh

. the UN said that "the situation on the ground remains vulnerable to the provocation of both parties, which could lead Doualeh said:" There is therefore an urgent need for a new dispute settlement mechanism Said Doualeh,

adding that Djibouti "would consider in good faith any proposal that you or the Security Council might make. with regard to appropriate means for the peaceful settlement of disputes. "

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