Egypt arrests chief of customs for alleged bribes


CAIRO – Egypt's chief of customs was arrested on Monday over allegations of bribes, according to the authorities of the country of North Africa where corruption is an endemic problem

Gamal Abdelazim " got bribes … in exchange for contraband banned from the import and without payment of the required customs duties, "said the administrative supervisory authority, charged with tracking corruption. 19659002] Abdelazim was also accused of asking workers to "prepare false reports to reduce fines on seized property." Officials provided no further details of his arrest. corrupt

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President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, re-elected for a second term in March, made the fight against Corruption has been a priority since its first election in 2014. Last year, Transparency International said that levels of corruption in Egypt were still high because of "the lack of a real political will to fight it.

He pointed to Sisi's rejection in 2016 of former anti-corruption chief Hisham Geneina for publishing a report calculating the cost of corruption in Egypt

Egypt Ranks 117th Rank on the Transparency International Corruption Index in 2017.


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