Egypt: Sisi begins a two-day official visit to Khartoum on Thursday


Tuesday, July 17, 2018 – 10:51 AM

Sisi will begin Thursday his two-day official visit to Khartoum

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi will begin Thursday, July 19, a two-day official visit to Sudan / 2018, Abdul-Mahmoud Abdul-Halim, Sudan's ambbadador to Cairo, told his country's official news agency on Monday 16/7/2018

Abdul-Halim said the visit reflected the vitality and health of the country. 39, intimacy of relations between the two countries. Noting that this is Sisi's first trip to Khartoum since his reelection for a second term.

While Sisi and his counterpart Omar al Bashir will discuss ways to strengthen bilateral relations, regional issues and issues of common interest, the diplomat said.

They will also reflect on the progress and results of recent meetings on cooperation mechanisms after their meeting in Addis Ababa on the sidelines of the last African Summit, the ambbadador said.

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