Egyptian Foreign Minister to Discuss Bilateral Relations and Participate in Cooperation Forum in China – Xinhua


CAIRO, July 7 (Xinhua) – Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will visit Beijing on Saturday to discuss bilateral relations with top Chinese officials, Foreign Ministry spokesman said. in a statement. It will be followed by its participation in the eighth ministerial meeting of the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum (CASCF) to be held next Tuesday in Beijing, said the spokesman of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Abu Zeid, in a statement.

meet with Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to discuss Egyptian-Chinese relations, which were raised by the two leaders in 2014 at the level of the "Global Strategic Partnership".

"Egyptian-Chinese relations Particular importance in light of the historical ties between the two countries … in addition to the presence of many common interests between the two parties in different areas," said Abu Ze id, noting that Egypt was the first Arab and African State to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1956.

The CCFC was established in 2004 and aims to provide multiple mechanisms for Sino-Arab cooperation in political, economic and cultural domains

The eighth ministerial meeting of the CCFC will be attended by Foreign Ministers and representatives of the Arab countries as well as by the head of the Arab League

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al- Sisi recently informed a Chinese delegation of his visit to Cairo that he is eager to travel to Beijing in September to strengthen bilateral win-win cooperation. 9659007] [ad_2]
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