Ethiopia plans to sell state-owned enterprises


INTERNATIONAL – Ethiopia is open to the total or partial sale of a host of state-owned enterprises as part of major economic reforms aimed at "unlocking the potential of the private sector", said yesterday his Minister of Information.

In an interview, Ahmed Shide said Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government – which has announced a series of reshuffles since taking office in April – would retain majority stakes in airlines, logistics, telecommunications and l & # 39; energy. However, all the rest, from the hotel industry to sugar production and cement production, could be put up for sale, with the sole exception of the tightly controlled financial services sector, whose fate was yet to be determined. , he said. "The main goal is to encourage the development of the private sector in the country," said Ahmed, adding that the country's 100 million was turning the page on decades of dependence on the State to stimulate economic growth

. private sector is very basic. We have done a lot of development projects of the state. We must now unleash the potential of the private sector. "Ahmed did not give a timetable for privatizations, but said the government was seeking advice from expert firms. World Councils, Including McKinsey and PwC

"Detailed planning is not complete but precautions will be taken to avoid mistakes." I said, "So we will do it with caution." [19659002] – REUTERS

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