Ethiopia: Promoting Rail Interconnections Facilitating the Economy


By Mengisteab Teshome

The expansion of rail infrastructure is decisive in catalyzing ongoing socio-economic progress in Ethiopia, while catching up with advanced rail technology know-how is at the heart of this effort.

Ethiopia announced the construction of the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit Project (AALRT) in 2011. It took only four good years for the inhabitants of Addis to see the project of Subway completed – it was September 20, 2015.

Currently, the AALRT transports number of residents from one corner of the city to the other within minutes. Literally, east-west and north-south trips that took several hours because of road congestion were limited to less than an hour – with its ability to transport an average of 350,000 pbadengers a day and more than 31 million number of travelers per year

Surafel Hailegnaw is a teacher by profession. He lives at the southern tip of Addis, in the sub-city of Akaki Kaliti. Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, he says that before the start of AALRT, he had to leave his house before dawn. But even with that, it was difficult for him to be at the beginning of his work.

This reporter met him in Piazza at 7:00, and asked what time he starts in the morning these days. It took him only half an hour to get to Piazza, and he has more time to relax in the morning.

The main target of the light rail is to serve the community rather than making profits, says Dereje Tefera

The tramway is not profitable even though it gets more than 110 million Birr a year. The price of transportation could have been as affordable if the company had targeted profits.

Inaugurated more than a year ago, the Ethio-Djibouti railway project is currently undergoing a high speed and heavy load test. The project is awaiting the confirmation of the green light for performance and certification by the Chinese Railway Association Group

Dereje stresses that the nation aspires to become a focus of electric power rail network in Africa by interconnecting with neighboring countries. Such efforts also reflect the country's unwavering commitment to promoting green economic development and contributing to the promotion of regional integration, he added.

million. Dereje stressed that the country is not limited to the expansion of rail infrastructure. He adds that the country has skilled professionals who effectively manage and control the Addis Ababa Light Rail Network (AALRT). Dereje noted that this success will be taken up in the plans of Ethio-Djibouti railways that will start in the near future, said Mr. Dereje

Currently, the Institute of Technology of Addis Ababa dispenses training at the Ethiopian level.

The Graduate Program Coordinator and lecturer Brehanu Reesom, of the Railway Engineering Center, said the center was doing its best to provide the skilled human power in the area. The center signs partnership agreements with international, regional and national universities to diversify its field of study and its center of African excellence in railway education. "

] The other major railway projects of the Awash-Woldia nation [1.7 billion USD] and Mekelle-Woldia [1.54 billion USD] railway lines are well." In his opinion, the country also laid the foundations for the construction of other railway infrastructure and the search for sources of financing to start the construction of the projects, including Sebeta- Bedele, Ambo-Jimma, Modjo-Hawbada and Woldia-Woreta-via Bahirdar in Sudan. projects will be finalized in forty-two months, he concludes


Feeding the Manufacture for the Common Good

History reveals that industrialization is the key to economic development. Structural Transformation from Traditional Industrial Sectors to Modern Industrial Sectors Improves Productivity, Promotes Innovation and Facilitates Technology Diffusion and Other Benefits

We All Agree say that the growth of the manufacturing sector is essential to strengthen national technological capabilities. and create large-scale employment opportunities and improve incomes. In addition to this, the development of the manufacturing industry helps to improve total factor productivity and the competitiveness of the economy as a whole and its runoff effect on the supply chain. Due to the existence of a number of comparative advantages in the country and to enhance its competitiveness, the incumbent had offered multiple incentives to the growth of the manufacturing sector. Although the manufacturing sector is a way out of sustainable economic development, its growth is not without challenges.

Faced with these challenges, the Shewa North area sneaks in to feed the area for the common good. Area Chief Girma Yeshitila told The Ethiopian Herald: "National and international manufacturers and manufacturers in China, Turkey and India have already declared their readiness to rent hangars in our industrial park, taking into account the incentives offered to investors by the state. "

Despite the challenges, the industry and manufacturing sector of the Shewa North area showed some progress and moved in the right direction in terms of job creation and

The integrated agro-industrial parks of the State of Amhara

According to Girma, the number of industrial parks created by the federal government increases and Amhara State also opens industrial parks at Shoa Robit and Peripheral Debre Berhan.

Debre Berhan Deputy Bedilu Wubeshet for its part, said the city has 149 new emerging factories with a pital of Birr 17.9 billion, which means the city

The administration has worked to diversify the connectivity of the city towards the national railways and to express the means of transport to the capital and d & # 39; 39; other main roads of the nation's export lines, he added. Shimeles Tibebu, head of the market development bureau, reiterated that industries create jobs for people and beyond.

Tulefa, a small town in the administration located 65 km from Capital, was once a small village turned into an industry. manufacture of pharmaceutical and other products. Learn all the opportunities, businesses compete in this city.

For him, learn the performance and opportunities available for local and foreign manufacturing companies, the number of investors who show a keen interest in doing business with the "The Bureau firmly believes that the State has the potential to create many diverse industries and manufactures, so we want to invite them to be part of continuous development. for more than 11,781 fellow citizens in the state.

The amazing development of Debre Berhan could be a case of exposure that everyone could witness.

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