Ethiopian opposition parties demand electoral law reforms


The Ethiopian opposition needs changes to the electoral law. Can the reformist government of Abiy Ahmed deliver it before the next national elections?

  Ethiopian Opposition
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Meets with Opposition Leaders
Photo: EBC

July 22, 1818 [19659005] The leaders of the parties of the I & O. Ethiopian opposition demanded reforms of electoral law and electoral practice. They raised the issue at a meeting with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed today.

Opposition party leaders reportedly hailed actions to improve the political space in the country, including the release of political prisoners in different parts of the country. They would also have welcomed the government's foreign policy initiatives aimed at bringing peace to the region, in reference to rapprochement with Eritrea, a country that has been at war with Ethiopia for more than two decades.

According to a report from the national media – Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has been criticized by the Ethiopian opposition for its lack of independence and for being manipulated by the party in power. 19659005] Aside from the total harbadment of leaders and sympathizers of opposition parties, the electoral process, based on past experiences, has shown an unfair practice of using government-funded media to engage voters during the election. that the ruling party enjoyed unlimited access.

Currently, there is no single voice of opposition to the Ethiopian parliament This party, which projects an image that it is transformed according to the principles of democracy and the primacy of the right, claims to have won all parliamentary seats in the last national elections.

Ethiopia remained essentially a one-party estate dominated by the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) coalition of four ethnic parties. The People's Democratic People's Organization of Oromo (OPDO) and the National Democratic Movement of Amhara (ANDM) constitute two of the largest ethnic parties in the EPRDF. Contrary to what happens in some African countries where ethnic and religious parties are banned, many opposition parties in Ethiopia, including the opposition MEDREK coalition, are ethnic parties that seem alarming given that ethnic violence increases the country. 19659005] Join the conversation. Like borkena on Facebook and regularly receive news from Ethiopian News. In addition, you can get news from Ethiopia by following us on twitter @zborkena

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