Former TPLF leaders in Addis Ababa accuse the government of Prime Minister Abiy


Aregawi Berhe and Gidey Zeratsion, former leaders of the TPLF, are in Addis Ababa as the Tigray Regional Government Council appears to be demanding violations of the constitution and calls for a "transparent" conclusion of the peace dialogue with the government. 39; Eritrea. "width =" 600 "height =" 400 "clbad =" size-full wp-image-23825 "srcset =" jpg 600w,×300.jpg 450w, 07 / TPLF-leaders_-570×380.jpg 570w "sizes =" (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px "/>

Aregawi Berhe and his colleagues
Source: EBC

Party leaders Democratic Alliance of Tigray Aregawi Berhe, Giday Zeratsion and Mekonen Zelelew arrived in Addis Ababa today and they were received by According to Alegawi Berhe, one of the founders of the People's Liberation Front of Tigray ( TPLF) and even president at one point before the fallout with other party leaders during the guerrilla war against the then government in Ethiopia allegedly for ideological reasons.

Gidey Zeratsion was also head of TPLF penda Guerrilla warfare and he lived in Germany for a long time after he separated with the Tigay ethnic party in which he was an active participant.

They both said that they went back to Ethiopia and made the appeal to opposition parties and people residing abroad. These politicians are quoted as saying that they support the reform measure by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Many things are not clear about their next move in relation to Ethiopian politics.

In an interview with the Tigray regional media, the TPLF party Debretsion Gebremichael said he would meet the TPLF's veteran and party leaders (and that's a reference to Aregawi Berhe and his party Tigray Democratic Alliance) halfway they are ready to work with his party. Meanwhile, the Tigray Regional Council that had been holding a meeting for several days pbaded an eight-point resolution stating that the Abiy Ahmed administration is not respecting the country's constitution.

One of the reasons for the political opposition to the TPLF administration over the last 27 years has been that the spread of TPLF about ethnic identities could result in ethnic violence. e and lead to anarchy in the country. Now, the TPLF complains of ethnic violence in different parts of Ethiopia by insinuating Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's administration about recent violence.

He also accused the new administration of lack of transparency with regard to Eritrea. According to a statement posted on the ruling coalition's social media account (EPRDF), the Tigray Regional Council seems to claim that the peace effort with Eritrea is not transparent and that the public is not consulted about it. Therefore, the party baderts that peace talks, which are essentially related to the implementation of the delimitation commission's decision, must be made in a transparent manner and in a manner that ensures lasting peace.

Asmara prepares to receive Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who will meet President Isayas Afewori.

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