Fortnite May Further Explosive Remote Nerf


By Tanner Dedmon

The Farnite Far Explosives may soon be disturbed again due to changes made shortly after the release of Patch v5.1

] Epic Games disabled the Remote Explosives weapon in Fortnite Battle Royale to correct some problems that occurred unintentionally. The destruction radius of the object had been changed by mistake, said Epic Games, and the team had planned to fix it. After working on the problem, Epic Games reactivated the weapon while giving an overview of the changes that were made. The problem has been solved even though the Remote Explosives came out with a nerve.

"Update: Remote Explosives Ready to Re-Activate After a Bug Fix and Blast Tuning" on Reddit. "The damage radius is now unified at 520 units, while in previous ones, it was 600 units for structures and 400 units for players. To be clear, this change represents a reduction in the radius of explosive structure damage. distant [19659004"Maiscen'!estpasleseulchangementdanslestravauxNousavonsentendulescommentairesdelacommunautéqueladisponibilitédecetarticleesttropélevéPouryremédiernousavonsenvisagéuneréductiondunombredegouttesetdelataillemaximaledelapileetmêmeCherchezleschangementspossiblesdansunavenirprochemaislaissez-noussavoircequevouspensezunefoisquevousaurezeul'occasiond'essayerleurnouvelleefficacitéréduite"

comments on Reddit also added that Epic Games there comments players on remote explosives and may consider & Other nerves. Although these were briefly discussed in the post of Reddit, a more recent video of Epic Games has lined up the state of Remote Explosives by mentioning the most recent nerve.

"We have recently reduced the radius of action of explosives remotely, damaging the structures and making a change that requires the charge to stick to something before it can be triggered, "said Epic Games in Friday's update. "With these changes, distant explosives are in a healthier place but still reach their goal of providing significant destruction to structures that comes at the cost of some foresight and risk of execution."

Epic Games continued to share the nerve mentioned in the Reddit post above with those who might not have seen it before saying that Fortnite players can search for these changes to add to the game as soon as 5.2 update, but a guarantee on when and how they will not be added.

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