The last few years have seen Apple grow in India with the iPhone, but now the company is facing a serious problem if it does not meet the demands of the country's telecom regulator. The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has put in place new rules to protect the privacy of mobile users and to block calls and spam messages. Ironically, Apple refuses to allow it on the App Store, for reasons of confidentiality.
The regulatory body requires all operators in India to use TRAI's "Do Not Disturb" application. available for users to download and install on their device. The application then allows users to report unsolicited calls and messages. However, Apple did not allow it on its App Store, since the app requires access to call history and message logs to send reports to the company. 39; agency.
year, the regulator has set up the policy, giving all carriers six months to ensure that the application can be installed on all devices that they offer. Phones that can not install the application after this period will be cut off from the carrier's network. Regarding Android, the app is already available on Google Play Store.
"Each access provider must ensure, within six months, that all smartphones registered on its network support the authorizations required for the operation of the applications. (2) (e) and Regulations 23 (2) (d).
Provided that when such devices do not permit the operation of the applications prescribed in paragraph 6 (2) (e) of the Regulations and to Regulations 23 (2) (d), access providers must, at the direction or direction of the Authority, derecognize these devices from their telecommunication networks. "
Almost a year ago, it was reported that Apple would be working with TRAI to develop its own version of the anti-spam application of the regulator, but there is no need for it. has not been updated since that time. in the six months or he was completely abandoned. The next iOS 12 update also includes new features to report calls and texts as spam, but it is not clear whether this will be compatible with the TRAI system or whether they will be able to access this data.
SOURCE India Today
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