Justice for the Abdirahman Abdi coalition set up a stock exchange


The Justice Coalition for Abdirahman Abdi announced a new scholarship in honor of the Somali Canadian who lost vital signs during a violent altercation with the Ottawa police in 2016. [19659002TheAbdirahmanAbdiScholarshipforSocialJusticewillprovide$2500peryeartoastudentfromtheBlackcommunitytohelphimpursuepost-secondarysocialjusticeeducation

Ifrah Yusuf, a coalition member, announced the scholarship at Tuesday's memorial event for Abdi in Hintonburg

. show [scholarship recipients] that their work does not go unnoticed, "she said

" We wanted to show that we appreciate their work and that we want to help them continue their studies.

Abdirahman Abdi lost vital signs during a violent police arrest on July 24, 2016, at the entrance of his Hintonburg building (Abdi family)

L & # 39; 39 idea is also to have a lasting memorial to Abdi, She said, "In order for this name to remember this city and its legacy to continue, we wanted to make sure that we implement something that is long-term and continuous, "she said.

Yusuf She said the scholarship would be funded by sponsors and donors who raise money.

She said that students from Ottawa and Gatineau would be eligible for distribution the following summer

. with his neighbors, an imam, Lawrence Greenspon family lawyer and Kitchissippi Council. Jeff Leiper

The event took place just steps from where Abdi lived at 55 Hilda Street, where a commemorative plaque was placed last year [19659004]. Daniel Montsion should be tried for manslaughter, aggravated badault and badault with the death of Abdi from February.

Abdi's family sues over $ 1.5 million. [ad_2]
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