Kenyan exports to East Africa decline – Xinhua


NAIROBI, July 16 (Xinhua) – Kenya's exports to the East African Community have declined significantly while Uganda loses its place as a second destination main merchandise of the country

. Kenya was overtaken by Pakistan in 2017, according to official data from the Bureau of Statistics released Monday.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics of Kenya (KNBS), the country was again beaten by the Netherlands. In the first five months, according to the KNBS, the country exported to Pakistan goods worth $ 271 million, compared to $ 248 million for the same period in 2017.

Exports was carried out in January and February, where goods worth $ 79 million and $ 68 million were exported to the Asian nation.

Kenya exports mainly to Pakistan its globally recognized tea. ket for the drink. Pakistan controls more than a quarter of the tea marketed at the Mombasa auction

In addition to tea, Kenya also exports spices, tobacco, textile fibers, milk powder, sodium carbonate and fresh fruits in Pakistan. The East African nation exported $ 216 million worth of goods, pushing Uganda into third place for the first time. Kenya's exports to the European nation consist mainly of cut flowers and rose from 190 million dollars for a similar period in 2017.

Uganda during the five months imported from Kenya goods worth 213 million dollars, a drop of 219 million

A recent World Bank report noted that Uganda and Tanzania were losing as Kenya 's top product destinations because of cheap imports from the United States. Asia.

million, a slight increase of $ 81 million in 2017. Tanzania was initially Kenya's second largest export destination.

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