Lake Turkana may dry out, according to Unesco


Lake Turkana could be threatened with extinction if Ethiopia planned to build two more dams upstream, said Unesco.

The United Nations agency has clbadified the lake as one of the world heritage sites in danger. An existing Ethiopian dam and irrigated sugar plantations over Kenya's northern border have drastically reduced the water reaching the lake.

According to UNESCO, conservation expert Guy Debonnet plans to build more dams to increase the risk of drying up the lake.

"We are concerned that these projects will have an implication on the local communities that depend on the lake for fishing and for their livelihood," said Debonnet

The lake receives 90% of its water from the Omo River . in Ethiopia – one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Ethiopia its dams to generate energy.

The Gibe III dam of Ethiopia, completed in 2016, and irrigation in Kuraz sugar plantations have already reduced the water supply to the lake, said the director of the international lobby . Ethiopia should cancel the plan for the dams, Gibe IV and Gibe V, on the Omo River, "Sanyanga told the Star yesterday by e-mail

On Monday, Turkana Governor Josephat Nanok urged the State to intensify lake conservation efforts.

Read: Turkana Sufficient Groundwater for 70 Years

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