London Spitfire opens the Grand Final with the victory over Philadelphia Fusion


After weakening the many competitors, the big finals of Overwatch League have finally arrived, and if the first day of play was an indication, it would be a nice ending. After quickly taking the lead, the Philadelphia Fusion were unable to prevent the London Spitfire from composing and enlightening things. The Spitfire left Day 1 with a 1-0 lead, and will look to finish things later today to secure their first – and first – ever Grand Final of the Overwatch League.

Since the beginning of things on Dorado, the merger seemed erratic, but in a positive way. The team took a quick start against the Spitfire, with Sado's Reinhardt leading a charge that saw the payload cross the map with general ease. For long periods of the map, London seemed a little too shaken, or maybe not ready for the moment; in many places on the map, their players made some silly mistakes that we have not seen for a long time, although they have been able to calm down as the game continues.

With the Spitfire playing too aggressively on the With the payload, the Fusion managed to climb back up, and with Eqo landing clutch arrows while Hanzo and Carp knock out enemies as Widowmaker, the Fusion continues its rather dominant march on the checkpoint. Things tightened inside the map, with Birdring Genji and Fury's D.Va anchoring a defense that finally seemed to come alive. Even though London managed to block the game in overtime, the Fusion took a lucky chance when a self-destructing Hotba destroyed Gesture, allowing Philadelphia to stack on the Spitfire and take a lead from 3-0. Shifted to their attack phase, they seemed totally indifferent to the defensive collapse that had just occurred. Not only did they come out of the door extremely hot, but it took a while for London to be able to easily capture the payload with a ridiculous four minutes left. It was only when the load was already well inside the building at the end of Dorado that the Fusion seemed to become serious, and when they did, there were lights for London. After recovering the charge a few meters from his last point, with almost three minutes to go, the Spitfire is completely collapsed against a defense led by Hanzo of Eqo and Carpe Widowmaker. The two elite snipers continued to inflict tons of damage, and combined with Hotba (D.Va) and Sado (Winston) to clean them up, the Fusion managed to hang on and snatch the win jaws of defeat, taking the first match On the road to Oasis, the Spitfire, we seek to channel the same energy as at the beginning of Dorado, and from the outset, it seemed like it was the case . Not only were they able to jump into the capture zone first, but their attack – led by Fury's Roadhog and Birdring's Hanzo – took an impressive advance on the opening point. Once again, the Fusion seemed a little shaken by the aggressiveness of the Spitfire, but regained some composure. Squeezing the Eqo Pharah game and on a stardust tank game from Sado, the Fusion was able to reverse the tides and capture the point. Unfortunately, they could only take about 49% or the point before the Spitfire closed the scoring, winning their first round of the Grand Final.

After their initial strategy failed, the Fusion opted for a more balanced composition, which allowed Carpe to flex his muscles like Tracer, something that he did almost immediately. While they were fighting, Philadelphia caught the point and managed to clear 41% of the check before the Spitfire came to life. With Gesture and Bdosin (Zenyatta) leading the charge, London was able to clear most of Philadelphia's DPS and take over for themselves. From there, it was just a matter of survival of the Fusion, and the Spitfire had no problem doing so despite a brief alert on the point. After missing opportunities to gain the advantage in the first game, the Spitfire won Oasis convincingly and entered in half-time in a 1-1 tie

Eichenwalde styling, the Fusion – freshly out from Poko to Boombox – was able to take back the momentum of the Spitfire with a quick catch on the opening point. After the initial capture and a brief boost of the payload, the Spitfires quickly regrouped and found themselves the recipients of Philadelphia stuck in a fairly hard throttling point on the map. Using the topography of the map and relying on their great tank game, London was able to kill a lot of time out of the clock before the Fusion started moving with only a minute left. Although the Fusion could have made things move towards the Eichenwalde Bridge, the Spitfire tank line has made things stop there. Winston de Gesture, in particular, dominated the rest of the match and helped London stop Philadelphia en route.

Despite the fact that London managed to delay the defense, when it was time to attack, things improved. embarrbading. For nearly three minutes, the Spitfire was unable to do much against a tough Fusion defense. Luckily for London, with about 50 seconds left, they were able to use a good push and grab the point, thanks in part to Winston's Gesture once again. Even though Philadelphia looked good to start with, they quickly collapsed. Tracing Bdosin, who was a threat throughout the match, was able to secure significant victories when London pushed the charge to victory. After a quick advance, the Fusion quickly found itself 2-1 in the series bound for Volskaya Industries.

Needing to take a victory over Volskaya, the Fusion had a bad start, with the team struggling to win. a lot of ground about to open against a fierce and hungry defense of London. However, a careless mistake by some Spitfire players and some quick thoughts from Poko (D.Va) and Eqo (Zarya) led to an incredible loss of team near the Fusion, which allowed them to play. tear off the opening point with about minute remaining. Even though the Fusion was able to take advantage of a great opportunity, they could not do much else when it was point B. After capturing half of the point, they did not get it. Just had no answer for the Spitfire, especially for Profit. Mei. Eventually, the Spitfire held and the Fusion was unable to complete the card, leaving the door wide open in London to take the series.

With their goal now in sight, the attacking Spitfire started at such a slow start due to a Philadelphia defense. Instead of staying behind, Philadelphia opted for a more aggressive defensive style, and with Hotba's Roadhog in the lead, the Fusion managed to keep London at bay. Of course, the Spitfire had been there before, and with almost no time at the clock, they were using a key elimination of Mercy to gain momentum and take Point A.

From there, a back-and-forth clash took place, with both teams completing truly spectacular games en route towards the end. However, in what had become the theme of the night, the Spitfire showed absolutely no sign of collapse under pressure. London managed to clinch one last time over time to capture point B, winning the series and taking a 1-0 lead in Saturday's games.

Taking the lead in the series, the pressure now seems to be London's shoulders. A team that has fluctuated throughout the season, the Spitfires have regrouped at the right time and this has led to continued success throughout the playoffs and in the grand final. Their ability to have such a balance under pressure puts them in first position to close the series early Saturday.

The Fusion on the other hand are sent back to the drawing board wondering how they can chain consecutive victories. facing adversity. With their backs against the wall, each card will now be a must for Philadelphia's hope they will force a third set. Because of the emotional nature of the Fusion as a team, it will be interesting to see if they can bounce back after such a tough loss on the biggest stage.

We will discover who will capture the story when the inaugural champion of the Overwatch League be decided at 4 pm EDT. Live on ESPN3, Disney XD, and Twitch.

The selected image for this post was provided by Robert Paul for Blizzard Entertainment.

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