Microsoft Teams gets a free level to better compete with Slack in the enterprise chat application market


Microsoft Corp presented Thursday a free level of its Teams collaboration software to better compete with its competitor Slack Technologies in a market badysts' view as a main battlefield in the world of computer software. 39; company. who wanted to try The teams were limited to a trial of one month. The free version of the product is intended to enable potential customers, typically teams of workers and small businesses, to begin using and integrating Microsoft products.

"We Naturally Wish Customers to Use the Free Version" Lori Wright, General Manager of Microsoft 365 Teamwork, told Reuters in an interview on June 28.

Microsoft has been competing with Slack since the 39th. Team introduction in early 2017. The product is used by 200,000 organizations, said the company in March.Slack in May said that Slack is used by 70,000 paying organizations. [19659002] Slack, Microsoft and companies like Google Alphabet, Cisco Systems, Facebook and Atlbadian Corp. have launched products in the growing marketplace of workplace collaboration.According to research firm IDC, the value is expected to reach $ 3.2 billion ( approximately 21.9 billion rupees) by 2021. In anticipation of the announcement of the teams, Slack announced Tuesday improvements to the search functions of its application of cat.It is easier for users to find messages. Enhanced search features apply to all versions of Slack and will be deployed to users in the coming weeks, the company said.

Although the free version of Teams does not offer the same functionality as the Office 365 version, it includes features not available in free versions of Slack that could attract potential customers, including unlimited search and unlimited application integrations.

"The goal is to make teams use as many people as possible" Constellation Research. "While this may put pressure on Slack to lift its restrictions, it's not that simple as they play a key role in Slack's freemium for premium monetization."

© Thomson Reuters 2018

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