Morocco has the highest index of inequality in North Africa: study


  Cold Rural Areas, Morocco

Rabat – In a report published on July 11, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in collaboration with the Department of Economic Affairs of the African Union, evaluated performance of African countries. The results indicate that Morocco's sociopolitical reforms are still tainted by "alarming social inequalities" and a growing gap in income inequality.

The development dynamics of Africa 2018 underline the socio-economic performance of African countries. the AU Agenda 2063 initiative and a particular focus on growth, employment and social inequalities.

Stressing the performance of African countries in terms of growth, labor market, educational infrastructure and basic social infrastructure, the study indicates that Moroccan society is characterized by vast and alarming inequalities, despite perceptible progress in key sectors – housing and infrastructure, for example – over the past decade.

The study found that Morocco's Gini coefficient was the index of inequality used by most is highest in North Africa. The Gini coefficient of Morocco of 40.3% places the country above Algeria (23%), Egypt (30.8%) and Tunisia (35.8%) [19659007].

The study also examined the policies and reforms that countries have adopted in recent years to combat poverty. This included health systems, access to education, electricity and clean water consumption, and the number of people living in decent living conditions.

According to the report, all indicators indicate that Morocco is outperformed by other countries in the region with the exception of Libya, whose persistent political instability has made it the worst regional interpreter to Considerations since 2011-2012.

Unstable and fragile job market

The insecurity of employment was a first finding in the diagnosis of Moroccans. concerns. According to the study, the informal sector accounts for 11 to 33% of Morocco's GDP per capita, while 60% of Moroccans work in this sector.

For most Moroccans, the study suggests that wages do not cover decent spending in many countries. the big cities of the country. In addition to job insecurity, there is also an "alarming lack of opportunity" for the majority of skilled workers and recent graduates.

Stability gives hope

But other indicators paint a positive picture of Morocco. have hope for the country's prospects. Although the country's current level of growth has not yet responded to the needs and expectations of society, Morocco's stability remains its hallmark in the region.

Morocco's growth is underpinned by the stability of the country. in "stable economic growth still higher than the regional average between 1995 and 1999."

With foreign investment that the kingdom has attracted over the years, Morocco's growing competitive enterprises, transforming the industrial sector and exports of phosphates and agricultural produce give the country of North Africa a certain leeway to capitalize on its growth in order to tackle its problems.

To spur progress and narrow the gap between rich and poor, Morocco's main challenge will be to promote gender equality by boosting female entrepreneurship. innovative start-ups and ensure links between formal training and the demands of the labor market.

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