Mozilla wants your feedback on its new Firefox foxy logos


There is more than one way to draw a fox. The Firefox logo has been with us for a while, but Mozilla has decided that it's time for the hairy / spirited mascot to get a makeover, and she's looking for the views of her fans.

Or, as Mozilla's blog The Announcement of Change says it rather disturbingly: "Recolor this logo or dissect the fox could only lead us very far."

With this somewhat macabre picture, the company has proposed two design system approaches. "I am absolutely not a graphic designer, but the words I would use to describe them are" geometric "and" swooshy. "

To be clear, this is not The X Factor for Firefox logos.There will be no public vote, and the company does not wish to crowdsource the ideal solution.On the contrary, the company is simply seeking general comments from the community, based on five factors:

  • Does this look like Firefox?
  • Do sets hold together cohesively?
  • Are they flexible enough to adopt other products? as Firefox's boffins arrive with them?
  • Do the logos cry "speed, security, reliability, spirit and innovation"?
  • Do the logos suggest a company that "puts people on profit" ?

Quite asked for a series of logos, but that's what Mozilla is looking for

So, how does the community react? to the two sets of options? At the time of writing, generally positive, although more than 50 people have pointed out that the system a master logo has a similarity with that employed by Gitlab .

" If you had said that Masterbrand of System 1 was a new image of Gitlab, I would believe you," reads a comment .

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"Regardless of the choice of the main brand, I must confess that I am really digging the merchandising options already," wrote another Firefox fan . At the time of publication, it seems that there is a very slight preference for system one, but as Mozilla points out, this is not a vote but a starting point for a newsgroup .

" Although the products and projects are real, these design systems are still a work of fiction," says the blog. "Each individual icon will undergo several rounds of refinement or may change entirely, between now and their respective product launches.At this point, we focus on the system."

Do you like the new Firefox logos or would you prefer that the company stays true to its current style? Send us a tweet at @TrustedReviews.

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