Multiparty democracy is the only option, said Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed


Ethiopia has "no other choice" than to open its policy for multi-party democracy to ensure sustainable progress, Prime Minister Sunday said. Abiy Ahmed

Ahmed spoke in the capital Addis Ababa Fitsum Arega, the prime minister's chief of staff, said on Twitter: "Given our current policy, there is no such thing. The only alternative is to pursue a multiparty democracy supported by strong institutions that respect human rights and the rule of law, "said Abiy. "This will allow us to peacefully arbitrate our differences and ensure sustainable progress." Abiy took office in April and must put an end to years of sporadic regional protests over alleged land grabbing and political neglect that threaten to derail the state-planned Ethiopian economic boom [[19659003]. They called for improvements to laws and electoral institutions, Fitsum said on Twitter

The ruling party in Ethiopia also announced plans to open state monopolies, including sugar, airlines and telecommunications. to foreign investors, while opposition political groups began to be tolerated and thousands of detainees were released.


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