Nvidia anticipates a GeForce event with "spectacular surprises" on August 20th


Nvidia played it timid with respect to what comes after Pascal for the games. Rumors of a next-generation GPU launch however warmed up, and Nvidia added them by causing a GeForce Gaming Celebration just before Gamescom.

The off-site event is scheduled for August 20, the eve of Gamesom. starts in clbad. If we read between the lines with an optimistic eye, it sounds as if new material would finally be announced, although Nvidia has stopped saying the same. Instead, he said "GeForce will be an important part of the game" at the world's largest gaming exhibition.

If that was not enough, Nvidia also promised "spectacular surprises" at the event. Exclusive and practical demonstrations of the best upcoming games, live presentations from the world's leading video game developers and spectacular surprises, "said Nvidia

. Nvidia is not really available when he plans to move from Pascal to consumer segment. Back in Computex, Nvidia's CEO, Jensen Huang, answered a question about the arrival of his new generation GeForce cards saying: "It will take time, I invite you and there will be a lunch . " [19659002] Well guess what? We could use a bite now. Perhaps we will understand-Nvidia has officially invited all those who are interested in attending the epic event of August 20th. That there is a lunch, we do not know, but we suspect (and hope) that there will be an announcement of the series GeForce 11.

The launch of Nvidia, whether it is the August 20 or another time, can not happen fast enough. Pascal has been on the market for over two years now, starting with the Tesla P100 Accelerator for Data Centers, followed by the GeForce 10 series for gaming. Nvidia has since released a Volta GPU, which is in the Tesla V100 and Titan V. Both are geared toward AI workloads.

The GeForce 11 series is based on the GPU called Turing (we also heard the name amp thrown around). It is not clear if Turing is a variation of Volta, or something else entirely, perhaps closer to Pascal. Hope we'll know in a few weeks.

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