Peace in Eritrea and Ethiopia could open doors to share the Gospel


ADDIS ABABA – The North African nations of Eritrea and Ethiopia formally agreed to end the continent's longest war. Christians in Ethiopia pray that the agreement presents new opportunities to spread the Gospel.

"With this new peace agreement, the borders will be reopened and trade restored between the two countries.The key now is to see if the peace agreement will continue as each government supports their side of the world.

Countries reestablished telephone lines almost immediately after shaking hands and signing documents. Ethiopian Christians hope that the cessation of border disputes that have cost tens of thousands of lives over the last twenty years also means that they will have the freedom to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ with their neighbors.

This magnitude of this opportunity is much greater than could be imagined by foreigners, most of whom are unaware of the history and status of both countries. This is all the more true as Eritrea is ranked 6th on the list of countries where the persecution of Christians is greatest. "Conversion to Christianity is considered a complete betrayal of the community, the family, and the Islamic faith. [Even] Eritrean Orthodox Church persecutes believers who leave the denomination."

Reuters reported the agreements as "the first of its kind between the leaders of the two neighbors of the Horn of Africa since their war 1998-2000 war in which about 80,000 people died." Eritrea got its Ethiopian independence in 1993, but the two countries quickly became bitter enemies. "

In 1993, Eritrea declared its independence from Ethiopia, but no definite boundary was established between the two countries A two-year border war began in 1998 and resulted in a peace agreement in Algiers in December 2000. However, the borders were still in conflict and remain undefined to date BBC News reports that demarcation will be one of the top priorities for the future.

At the reopening of the border, Christians in Ethiopia, supported by Global Disciples, are optimistic about the next religious freedom in Eritrea. The Ethiopian Prime Minister spoke of reconciliation saying, "Love always wins, killing others is a defeat."

A national missionary supported by Global Disciples said, "What they are talking about, this is Is really forgiveness for what happened in the past, love and peace.It is the language that the Ethiopian prime minister speaks and the same as the President of Eritrea does echo. "

For many Ethiopian Christians, sharing the Gospel in Eritrea can simply take a short walk to the next village along the borders.

"Keep praying … for the Ethiopian Church to take this opportunity to bring the Gospel to Eritrea. Keep praying that this opens wide doors for Ethiopians to reach the group of unreached people in this country and for God to soften the heart of the government of Eritrea. We must pray for them. "


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