Philadelphia police investigate the arrest of a black girl at the zoo


Police opened an investigation into the arrest of a black teenager selling water at the Philadelphia Zoo, reports The Associated Press.

A video posted on Facebook shows police officers in Philadelphia trying to arrest a 14-year-old child. while other young boys and adults shout at the cops not to stop him.

A public security officer called the police because they were asking for money from people entering the zoom, said a spokeswoman at the AP. 19659002] The video shows two public security officers, one being presumably the one who initially called the police, arguing over the decision to call the police.

"Is this what you want?" A policeman shouts to his colleague

In a statement to Philly Voice, Lombardo said that the group "threw stones at a member of the zoo (the day before)" and "harbaded another female public security officer just before this incident "[1 9659002]" When asked to leave the area, the group started leaving but made a threatening remark to the public security officer while a vehicle from the Department of Philadelphia police pbaded by, "says the statement, incident after receiving complaints from the community, by AP.

Adolescents and adults involved in the confrontation were cited for disorderly conduct. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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