Secretary-General António Guterres' press conference at United Nations Headquarters (12 July 2018) – World


SG / SM / 19133

The following is a transcript of the press conference of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, held today in New York:

Ladies and Gentlemen and gentlemen the media,

a lot for your presence.

Tomorrow, the General Assembly is expected to agree on a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, for formal adoption in December in Marrakesh. This action has immense potential to help the world harness the benefits of regular migration while protecting against the dangers of irregular movements that put people at risk.

Migrants are a remarkable engine for growth. Migrants number more than 250 million people worldwide. They represent 3% of the world's population but contribute 10% of the world's gross domestic product. Yet more than 60,000 people on the move have died since 2000 – at sea, in the desert and elsewhere. And often, migrants and refugees are demonized and attacked.

The Covenant represents a global approach. But let me emphasize three important goals. First, to reorient national development policies and international development cooperation to take account of migration and create opportunities to work and live with dignity in their own country.

Second, strengthen international cooperation against traffickers and traffickers of human beings. protect their victims. Smuggling and trafficking are criminal activities; the migration is not there.

Third, increase the possibilities of legal immigration.

Migration is a positive global phenomenon. Many older developed countries need migrants to fill important gaps in labor markets. Climate change and other factors, including mere human aspiration, will continue to push people to look for opportunities away from home. If migration is inevitable, it needs to be better organized through effective international cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination, so that we do not leave the control of the movement of people between smugglers and traffickers.

and even the responsibility to determine their own migration policies and manage their borders responsibly. But they must do so in full respect of human rights. And as we know, not everyone is voluntarily moving in search of a better life.

More than 68 million people have been forcibly displaced by armed conflict and persecution – the largest since the Second World War. I saw again the human consequences at the beginning of the month when I visited desperate and traumatized Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. I congratulate Bangladesh for showing the compbadion and generosity that have saved thousands of lives.

Unfortunately, elsewhere, we see many borders closing and solidarity decreasing with people in need. There is an urgent need to reaffirm the integrity of the international refugee protection regime.

I am pleased that consultations on a Global Compact for Refugees were concluded last week for consideration by the General Assembly at the end of the year. It should be remembered that the vast majority of refugees in the world live in developing countries that are themselves constrained. This responsibility must be shared globally. Both covenants were the result of intense and inclusive consultations with a wide range of actors, including migrants and refugees themselves. These agreements show multilateralism in action and give us a solid platform for progress

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Also today I have the pleasure to announce that I am in to establish a high-level group on digital cooperation. This is the first panel of its kind – and will be composed of women and men at the frontiers of technology, public policy, science and academia. I am pleased to announce that Melinda Gates and Jack Ma will serve as co-chairs. I am grateful to them for being available for this venture. The names of the members of the group are available to all distinguished members of the media present.

The reason for such a panel is clear. Digital technology is changing economies and societies at breakneck speed. The magnitude and pace of change are unprecedented, but the current means and levels of international cooperation are not up to the challenge.

Technology is now fueling so many aspects of our lives, from personal relationships to business and politics. We all depend on the Internet – from start-up entrepreneurs … to refugees for whom smart phones are a lifesaver … to grandparents like me chatting online with their grandchildren across the continents.

Technological innovation is also essential to help countries accelerate progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. And technology does not stay still; developments accelerate.

New technological developments from artificial intelligence to blockchain and robotics are emerging every day. At the same time, the world is just starting to tackle the dark side of innovation, such as threats to cybersecurity, the risks of cyber war, the amplification of hate speech and violations of privacy. As a global community, we are faced with questions about security, fairness, ethics and human rights in the digital age. We must seize the potential of technology while protecting against risks and unintended consequences.

I see the United Nations as a unique platform for dialogue in the digital age. We need researchers, policymakers, technologists, entrepreneurs, civil society actors and social scientists to come to the table and share their part of the solution. The Panel will map trends in digital technologies, identify gaps and opportunities, and make proposals for strengthening international cooperation. It will contribute to the wider public debate on the importance of cooperative and interdisciplinary approaches to the overall numerical challenges.

The Panel of Experts will present my recommendations in nine months, and I am confident that the Panel's public consultations and the resulting report will contribute to the digital cooperation for our common future

Ladies and Gentlemen. Gentlemen,

Finally, I would like to take stock of our action to combat badual harbadment. This plague affects every corner of society – and the United Nations is no exception.

As I said from the first day of my term, this challenge is deeply rooted in historical power imbalances. We live in a world dominated by men with a culture dominated by men. This is one of the reasons why gender parity and the empowerment of women and girls are essential. I am determined to do all we can to combat badual harbadment – in the Secretariat and throughout the United Nations system.

In the Secretariat, we have taken a number of unprecedented steps. Let me be precise. First, I created a specialized team within the Office of Internal Oversight Services to focus on badual harbadment investigations. Last week, the member states of the Budget Committee approved my proposal to create six new posts of investigators specializing in badual harbadment. This week, we are conducting interviews with a focus on recruiting women with expertise in such investigations. In fact, two-thirds of the candidates are women.

At the same time, we are expanding our capacity for broader internal investigation – by filling vacant positions quickly. Twenty-six investigator positions have been filled since I took office, the vast majority receiving training that included the dimension of badual harbadment. These go well beyond the six new specialized positions I mentioned. And of course, this training concerns a number of problems, but improving the skills of interviewing and the ability to deal with the psychosocial aspects of the trauma.

Secondly, we have accelerated and simplified the procedures for receiving, processing and addressing. complaints of badual harbadment. All reports on badual harbadment are now considered Category 1, which means that they will be investigated by the Office of Internal Oversight Services, without using intermediate areas of investigation that were previously possible. At the same time, we defined three months as the target for the survey process. We decided, as well as in badual exploitation and abuse, to have a victim-centered approach in the investigations. Our new Whistleblower Policy is also a powerful complement to these efforts.

Third, a "Speak Up" hotline is set up 24 hours a day to allow staff to report badual harbadment situations confidentially and to seek advice. ] Fourth, we completed the terms of reference and the call for bids for a survey of Secretariat staff, the first of its kind, to better understand our colleagues' perceptions of prevalence, nature and gender. Experience of badual harbadment. The survey will now be launched.

Fifth, we reorganized the mandatory training on badual harbadment this year – more than 14,000 employees have already completed it.

But all this is not enough. Since the challenge is at the system level, our action must be too. I have encouraged UN family agencies to adopt similar measures, agencies that are not under my direct control.

At the November meeting of the United Nations Chief Executives Board, I established a working group. We have launched a new database of confirmed perpetrators of the system so that they are not rehired by another part of the UN, as has sometimes happened in the past. We are harmonizing policies and principles and sharing best practices.

And the measures taken in the Secretariat will support additional measures needed throughout the system. The capacity of the Secretariat will be available to organizations that have difficulty implementing the same measures.

In all these efforts, my message is clear: I want the staff to feel confident to come forward rather than remain silent for fear of reprisals or flawed investigations. To those who are committed to sharing painful personal experiences, I thank you for your courage. I know it is not easy. But you are helping to create a better working environment around the world where everyone can enjoy respect and dignity. I am absolutely committed to this effort. Zero tolerance in words must mean zero tolerance in acts. Thank you

Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General: Thank you very much, Sir

Secretary-General: I am at your disposal for any questions

Spokesperson: Sherwin.

Question: Secretary-General, Sherwin Bryce-Pease, South African Broadcasting and, traditionally, on behalf of the United Nations Correspondents Association, I welcome you to this wonderful place of the United Nations.

Questions from my region, Secretary General, Zimbabwe has never had an election since the end of colonial rule without President … former President Robert Mugabe on the ballot. This will happen for the first time on July 30th. I wonder what your message is to the government and the people of Zimbabwe who are moving in that direction.

And, in the DRC [Democratic Republic of the Congo] we understand that a visit from you and the chairman of the AU Commission [African Union] Moussa Faki, has been postponed at the request of the Government of the DRC . It was an unexpected development. Given the concern of the international community in the run-up to the December elections, how much are you concerned about … postponing this visit?

Secretary General: First and foremost, we all hope that the changes in Zimbabwe will lead to a country capable of living in full democracy with full respect for human rights and able to restore a process of change. development that I believe is fully justified by the resources of the country and the capacity of Zimbabweans. And I strongly hope that things will go in the right direction. We are in very close consultation with SADC [Southern African Development Community] and the African Union in this regard

Regarding the DRC, we have just received a confirmation that our visit will be welcome in the near future. And the reason given for this delay was that the President would announce very soon a number of important decisions and that the President did not want to give the impression that he was doing so because of international pressure. And so, not only our visits but also other visits have been postponed. If it means that he will make the right decisions and that he wants to give the impression that no international pressure has led him to make the right decisions, I will be very much at home. Comfortable with the postponement.

Spokesperson: Thank you. Edie?

Question: Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary-General. Edith Lederer of the Associated Press. The world sees an attack against the post-World War II order, of which the United Nations is so much a part. This comes from the United States, more recently from NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] but also from other countries. As you know, the United States has advocated reforms and cuts to the budget of the United Nations, as well as other countries. Do you fear a more severe aggression against the UN, its role, its legitimacy?

Secretary-General: I am very confident that the world will remain fully aware that the United Nations is an absolutely essential multilateral instrument for peace and security. worldwide, but also to be a pillar of development and human rights. This does not mean that the UN does not need reforms. And, as you know, I am firmly committed to reforming the United Nations. And, of course, there are other reforms that will be important to defend in the context of the global multilateral system.

But one thing is to advocate for reforms that adapt the multilateral system to the new conditions that exist today and are different in many ways from what they were after World War II . The second is to think that we can live without a multilateral system or [without] a set of rules-based international relations. I am deeply convinced that the challenges we face are increasingly global challenges and it is only through multilateral governance and the international rules-based system that we will be able to reply. And, of course, reforms should be organized to strengthen this capacity and make it more effective in meeting the needs and aspirations of our peoples.

Spokesperson: Pam?

Question: Thank you. Thank you, Secretary-General. It's Pamela Falk from CBS News. On this Global Compact on Migration that you discussed, it will be submitted tomorrow and adopted in December, it goes much further than anything else in terms of due process rights, even for migrants and migrants. and trying to get rid of toxic narrative, as the Red Cross said. Can you say that you are encouraged that countries will follow? And, second, the co-facilitators were just telling me that the United States had refused to participate. Without the United States and just in terms of non-enforceable, are you encouraged? You have spent a large part of your career, part of it, in refugee policy. Thank you

Secretary General: Of course, I am encouraged. And I strongly hope that the United States, sooner or later, will also join this process. Let's not forget that the United States is in itself a country of immigration. So, I think the process was an extremely important process. I am very encouraged by the results and very optimistic about its future developments.

Question: And just a follow-up. Do you think this goes further than others …

Secretary General: It is clear that, until now and even today, it is recognized that migration policies fall under of national sovereignty. And, of course, until now, it has always been very difficult to find a common ground in how the international community addresses this issue. Now, the pact that is being presented will not be legally binding, but it represents a major effort in international cooperation. And, in this regard, it is clear that it is an unprecedented step to increase international cooperation on migration

Correspondent: Thank you

Spokesperson: Majeed

Question: Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary … General. Majeed Gly, Rudaw Media Network. After answering my question, we would really appreciate your breaking your impartiality and telling us which team you prefer in the World Cup final. [Laughter]

And my question is about Iraq. As you know, there was good news from there. ISIS [ISIL/Da’esh] was declared defeated. There was an election. While we hear the good news in the international media, there are factors that led to the emergence of the Islamic State as a return, including the problems between Erbil and Baghdad and neglecting the Sunni Arab areas. And the international community still seems to forget about Iraq when ISIS left. I wanted to know, what is your perspective on this? What do you think of the role of UNAMI [United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq] in your mission in Iraq and the role of the international community in solving the problem between Erbil and Baghdad and the non-marginalization of minorities in Iraq? Thank you very much.

General Secretary: Well, I do not know if the world has forgotten Iraq. I have not forgotten Iraq. As you know, Iraq was one of the few countries that I visit so far, and I also co-chaired the International Conference on Kuwait for support to the reconstruction of the country. Iraq. So for me, the stability of Iraq, the democratic nature of Iraq, the non-sectarian nature of Iraq are, I think, a fundamental contribution for the whole region and for peace and security in the world. And so, I believe that the entire international community should be fully committed to supporting Iraq in the process that is taking place right now.

Iraq, as you know, after the elections, there have been a number of complaints. There is a process that is followed. UNAMI is fully engaged, not in the management of the elections, it is an Iraqi process, but fully supporting Iraq in order to ensure that Iraq can move smoothly through these complexities that are now treated and, as I said, move clearly in a country. with a non-sectarian democratic nature and with the full capacity to put their resources at the disposal of their own people.

Question: And the World Cup?

General Secretary: Sorry?

Spokesperson: The World Cup.

General Secretary: Ah, the World Cup. Well, the team that I would agree is no longer there then … [Laughter]

Spokesperson: Yoshita.

Question: Thank you. Yoshita Singh with Press Trust of India. Thank you for …

General Secretary: I wish … that the best team wins. [Laughter]

Question: Thank you. Yoshita Singh with Press Trust of India. In June, the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights released a report on Kashmir in which he called for an independent international inquiry into the situation in that country. India rejected the report saying that it did not have this mandate, and obviously it acted beyond that mandate, as it was argued that Kashmir is a bilateral issue that must be resolved between India and Pakistan. I wanted your thoughts on that. And also on your report on children and armed conflict, there are mentions on Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Kashmir, Indian states, and the situation …

General Secretary: Sorry

Question: There are mentions about three Indian states In your report on armed conflict and children, India said that they did not meet the definition of armed conflict and threat to peace and security. international security. Your thoughts on these two impressions. Thank you

Secretary General: Well, one thing is the definition of the mechanism for a political solution of a situation in a country. The other thing is the general mandate of human rights instruments in human rights around the world. The High Commissioner for Human Rights has therefore used his own skills and abilities, as in all other parts of the world, to point out what he saw as violations of human rights. relevant man. This does not mean that there is a preference for any methodology for a political solution. These are two completely different things, and the same goes for the other report. The other report is a report on situations in which children's rights have been questioned

Spokesperson: Raed

Question: Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General. Raed Fakih with Al Jazeera. I do not know if you agree or not, but the military solution is what is sought on the ground in Syria. We have seen it in the east of Ghouta and Aleppo, recently in Daraa and elsewhere. So what is left of the political process in Syria, in your opinion? And what is your message to the millions of Syrians who have rallied against the regime calling for freedom and … freedom? And this regime used … according to the JIM [Joint Investigative Mechanism] he gbaded his own people. And these Syrians now see the international community as focusing on the security of Israel, the border with Jordan, not on their concerns and their call for freedom.

Secretary-General: Well, I do not know exactly which international community thinks. I know what I think and what the UN thinks. And the UN thinks there is no military solution. The solution is political. And our commitment is in connection with the Geneva talks and to ensure that a political solution in accordance with resolution [Security Council] 2254 (2015) is found and that a constitutional committee, as agreed, will be put in place in a manner that will ensure its impartiality and contribution to a future political solution in Syria. That's our commitment. That's our goal. And the message that I have for all Syrians is only a political solution that can guarantee the future, reconstruction, and a democratic and non-sectarian character of the state.

Now, compared to recent events in the south, we were very active and very committed to trying to avoid a bloodbath and trying to create the conditions for these events to have the least impact possible on civilians. I think our action has been helpful in this regard, but, again, this is not the goal. The goal must be and remains fully for us a political solution in line with resolution 2254 (2015).

Spokesperson: Ali … Nabil. Sorry. [Laughter]

Correspondent: Thank you

Spokesperson: Apologies.

Question: Nabil Abi Saab, Secretary-General. I am a correspondent for Al Hurra TV station. I would like to know your opinion on a migration problem in the Mediterranean. Do you believe that part of the solution is possible by establishing camps in Libya? And what is the responsibility of the Libyan authorities in this regard? And, two, it seems that there is a new commitment of the P5 [permanent five members of the Security Council] or some of them on Libya. Do you see that … there are signs that Libyan parties are more inclined to compromise or … or to move more quickly towards a political solution?

General Secretary: Well, I think that there are several questions at the same time. Let's start with the end. As you know, my envoy, Ghbadan Salamé, has been extremely active in trying to create the conditions for a political solution in Libya. He was very active recently in the solution of the oil problem that you were perfectly aware of [of] and which has fortunately been solved. The public bademblies in a large number of cities in preparation for the national conference are now over, and we will work very hard to ensure that this national conference can take place and can be an effective unit of the various actors in Libya, and we We are totally committed. I was also in Addis [Ababa] we discussed with the African Union, and we really want to work together on this. We are fully committed to ensuring that Libya finds a way out of the crisis that has undermined its development in the recent past.

Now, it is clear to me that, first, we must distinguish [between] migration and asylum. . So refugees have the right to find protection. As you know, refugees are covered by international law through the Convention – 51. And one of the things I said in my initial intervention was that we need to reaffirm the integrity of the refugee protection system. And it is clear that Europe has the responsibility to respect international law with regard to refugees.

On the other hand, it is clear that, as I said, states have the right to define their own migration policies, but they must respect human rights in the how their migration policies are respected. And what we saw in Libya … even though there was improvement, and IOM [International Organization for Migration] and UNHCR [Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees] were very active in trying to improve the situation, what we have seen in Libya is clearly not in line with minimum human rights standards. And I believe that it is not a solution to have in the current situation camps in Libya to solve the problems of migration or asylum.

I think the solution requires more effective international cooperation from countries of origin, transit and destination. this migration is a positive thing. I think I have probably already said it in this room but if I do not mind repeating it: I visit my mother when I go to Lisbon. Unfortunately, not as often as I would like. And my mother is 95 years old. And Portugal is not a very rich European country, as you know. It has even been … we have experienced a difficult period of austerity known to all, so it is not one of the richest European countries.

Mais la vérité est que, quand je rends visite à ma mère – et elle a 95 ans – nous avons toujours un système qui a été mis en place, une personne à la maison pour s'badurer qu'elle reçoit l'aide adéquate, la rotation et s'badurer qu'il y a une présence 24 fois. Je n'ai jamais vu un Portugais prendre soin de ma mère. Donc, il est clair que la migration est nécessaire. Maintenant, si quelque chose est nécessaire, il vaut mieux l'organiser. Et la seule façon de l'organiser – et c'est pourquoi il est si important d'avoir le pacte – pbade par une coopération efficace entre les pays de destination qui ont besoin de migrants, pays d'origine qui ne sont malheureusement pas encore en mesure de fournir des opportunités et les pays de transit pour éviter les horribles événements que nous avons vus en Libye il y a quelques mois et les circonstances très difficiles qui sont toujours là.

Porte-parole: Maggie, puis M. Wang.

Question: Remerciements vous, secrétaire général. Margaret Besheer avec Voice of America. Hier, votre bureau a publié une déclaration condamnant la violence au Nicaragua et l'badbadinat des manifestants. Pourriez-vous aller un peu plus loin et l'OEA, l'Organisation des États américains, a demandé des élections anticipées. Le président [Daniel] Ortega [Saavedra] a rejeté cet appel. Où es-tu pour trouver une solution à cette situation? Pensez-vous que ce soit dans les urnes, ou comment voyez-vous cela être résolu?

Secrétaire général: Nous avons constamment plaidé pour la fin de la violence et pour le dialogue, et nous avons coopéré activement avec l'Organisation des États-Unis. Nous espérons que les Nicaraguayens seront en mesure de trouver une issue à cette crise, parce que, évidemment, le peuple souffre énormément et que le pays bénéficiera bien sûr d'un nouveau consensus établi entre les parties. Fin de la violence, le dialogue politique est, à mon avis, absolument crucial à l'heure actuelle.

Porte-parole: M. Wang.

Question: D'accord. Merci, secrétaire général. Jiangang Wang de l'agence de presse Xinhua. Ma question est la suivante: pouvez-vous, s'il vous plaît, commenter la guerre commerciale actuelle entre les deux plus grandes économies? Et pourriez-vous également évaluer son impact sur l'économie mondiale? Merci

Secrétaire général: Eh bien, je ne pense pas que nous soyons en état de guerre, mais il y a, bien sûr, un certain nombre de mesures commerciales qui ont été prises. Je crois fermement au commerce libre et équitable, et je crois fermement au rôle que l'Organisation mondiale du commerce peut jouer dans la résolution des différends qui pourraient exister entre les États Membres. De toute évidence, il ne s'agit pas là d'une ingérence directe des Nations Unies, mais j'espère que toutes les difficultés actuelles que nous constatons dans le commerce mondial pourront être résolues à la fois par un esprit de négociation et en tirant profit du rôle de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce

Porte-parole: Iftikhar

Question: Merci, Monsieur le Secrétaire général. Iftikhar Ali d'Associated Press du Pakistan. C'est un suivi pour mes collègues de l'Inde, une question sur le Cachemire. Au cours des derniers jours, la situation s'est détériorée. Le … comme vous le savez, et il y a eu des morts civils. Des couvre-feux ont été imposés. Monsieur, avez-vous essayé de … favoriser le dialogue entre les deux pays? Et moi, monsieur, je n'ai pas entendu de réponse claire si votre … proposition de votre Haut Commissaire aux droits de l'homme, que vous souteniez une enquête internationale indépendante sur la situation des droits de l'homme au Cachemire.

Secrétaire général: Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer , toute l'action du Haut Commissaire aux droits de l'homme est une action qui représente la voix de l'ONU par rapport à cette question. Il est clair pour moi que seules les solutions politiques peuvent résoudre les problèmes politiques. Chaque fois que je rencontre les dirigeants de l'Inde et du Pakistan, j'offre toujours mes bons offices, et j'espère que l'avenir sera capable de créer les mécanismes de dialogue qui permettront à ce problème de trouver une solution politique adéquate

Porte-parole: Farnaz

Question: Merci, Monsieur le Secrétaire général. Je me demande si vous pourriez nous donner une évaluation franche de votre relation avec l'administration américaine en ce moment, étant donné que certaines des choses que vous espériez ne pas faire, ils l'ont fait, comme se retirer de la Commission des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies, UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East]et d'autres choses. And also, you… you ran on the campaign of reforming the UN even before this Administration, and we’ve seen Ambbadador Nikki Haley take a lot of credit in statements for the reforms that have been taking place. So how much credit do you give the US for pushing for reform? And do you think that her badessment that she and the US were instrumental is correct or not?

Secretary-General: Well, first of all, we had a process of reform in which a number of very important progress measures were already agreed at the level of the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) in the General Assembly and the ECOSOC [Economic and Social Council]. And, obviously, I’m extremely grateful to the contribution of all countries, including the United States, in that regard. And so I have no problem at all with the fact that a Member State also takes profit of that. I find it perfectly natural. In relation to the first question, it is obvious that there is a number of areas in which there is a disagreement, but it is also obvious that there is a number of areas in which there is a very engaged and constructive cooperation.

Just to give you an example, in relation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, there was a very convergent action by myself and by the Permanent Representative of the United States in visits that we did in the past, and again, the same kind of position in relation to the solution of the problems there.

In relation to situations like Libya or Yemen or South Sudan, there has been an excellent cooperation. So, there are difficulties. There are problems. There are areas of disagreement. There are also areas of cooperation and agreement. And this is what relations must be, honest relations, sincere relations. When we disagree, we disagree. When we agree, we agree. Let’s make sure that the point of disagreements do not disrupt the relations, and let’s seize the opportunities creates by the points of agreement.

Spokesman: Carole.

Question: Hi, Mr. Secretary‑General. I’m Carole Landry with Agence France Presse. I wanted to ask you about North Korea. What’s your view of the state of the US‑North Korean dialogue on denuclearization? It seems there was a bit of a hiccup when Secretary [Michael] Pompeo went to Pyongyang. And what is the UN doing? You talk about the importance of verification. Are you getting anywhere with that?

Secretary-General: I think, first of all, hiccups in a process like this — there will be many, inevitably, but I think there are very good possibilities for this dialogue to lead to a solution, a positive solution — I mean, get the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and all our interest is, of course, to support that effort of the two Member States.

As you know, I have sent my Under‑Secretary‑General to North Korea in the very beginning of the process when the relations were still very tense, because I was clearly convinced that only the dialogue between the two, together with the improvement of inter‑Korea relations, can lead to solutions. But, of course, this is a complex process. It’s a difficult negotiation, and I believe there will be inevitably some ups and downs along the way, and we need to persist and to ask all countries in the region to help facilitate things for agreements to be reached.

Now, the UN, as you know, some specialized bodies, they are at the disposal of the parties. There have been contacts, of course, with namely the International Atomic Energy Agency. So, there are things that technically can be done by us, but, of course, they depend on the dynamics of the political negotiation between the parties. But we are available to do whatever is useful, not with any… not seeking any protagonism but with all the goodwill to support an effort that I can see an essential effort for global peace and security.

Spokesman: Ibis and then Mr. Abbadi.

Question: Thanks. Ibis from Prensa Latina news agency. I want to ask about your impression about your visit in Cuba and about the role of ECLAC [Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean] in the region.

Secretary-General: The role of?

Correspondent: ECLAC. Thank you.

Secretary-General: Well, first of all, my visit to Cuba was a very useful visit in all aspects. Cuba has been very positively engaged in the reforms here in the process of reform that took place, and there is a very relevant dialogue with Cuba, namely, in relation to areas where Cuba has been extremely helpful for peace processes in the region. And I would underline the role played by Cuba in relation to Colombia and the negotiations with the FARC [Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia] and, more recently, with the ELN [National Liberation Army]. And so there’s a number of areas of cooperation that are extremely important.

ECLAC is, in my opinion, an extremely effective regional economic commission. And I’ve been saying that in our reform process, when I look at the other economic commissions, I think ECLAC is the reference model. ECLAC has gained a very solid reputation in the region. Governments are extremely happy with the cooperation they receive from ECLAC, and country teams also, obviously, take profit of ECLAC’s competence. And I think that it is one of the bright spots of the UN system that we should cherish and support.

Spokesman: Mr. Abbadi.

Question: [In French] Merci, Monsieur le Secrétaire général de votre présence ici et de votre point de presse. L’ordre mondial semble entrer dans une situation très difficile. La globalisation fait face au nationalisme, le multilatéralisme à l’unilatéralisme, et le marché libre à la concurrence. A votre avis, cette situation, si elle persistait, pourrait‑elle rendre encore plus difficile la recherche du consensus international au sein des instances des Nations Unies?

Secretary-General: [In French] La réponse est oui. [Laughter]

Spokesman: Linda?

Question: Thank you. Linda Fasulo representing NPR. I was wondering… I’d like to go back to your presentation… presentation on migration. I was wondering what your personal view is regarding asylum seekers. I mean, baduming the asylum request is legitimate, do you believe that asylum seekers have the right to permanent status in the countries they’ve approached, whether those countries are rich countries, poor countries or mid‑level?

Secretary-General: No, asylum seekers have the right to seek asylum, and they have the right to see their asylum requests properly examined. And, if the asylum request leads to the conclusion that the asylum seeker becomes a refugee, refugees have the right to be protected in the countries where they have asked for that protection. And so, I think we need to distinguish asylum seeker, which is an interim stage, someone that considers that he or she has the right to be protected, and the refugee that has been recognized as such, either through an individual process or, in some situations, when you have mbadive outflows with prima facie refugee status that is granted to all those fleeing those dramatic circumstances that we have had in several parts of the world.

Spokesman: Thank you.

Question: Follow‑up. Is that a permanent status that countries should grant to refugees?

Secretary-General: When a country grants refugee status, that has no time limit. Obviously, if the circumstances that have led for that are completely overcome, countries can either decide to integrate them even as citizens with naturalization or if there… a cessation clause is adopted. We have had several cessation clauses when we can see that the country’s no longer a country related to… a country that justifies refugee status. So, when a cessation clause is applied, then there is a negotiation normally between UNHCR and the country where the refugees have asked for asylum in order to find a solution that can be returned to the country of origin, that can be integration in the country where the refugee is already if he’s in between, has built its life and is even giving a positive contribution to the economy and the society of the country of origin. But the refugee status can, indeed, end when a cessation clause is approved, and that is an entity that… I mean, usually it’s UNHCR that declares it in consultation, of course, with a number of key partners.

Spokesman: Maria or Irina? Sorry.

Correspondent: Maria.

Spokesman: Maria. Sorry. Okay.

Question: Maria with TASS news agency. I’m new here. I wanted to follow with a topic of reform of the United Nations. You mentioned some steps which have already been taken. And could you please tell about the next steps which you think are important to take in this process? And, also, could you tell about your opinion about the right to veto some decisions since Security Council should have been… should they continue to have this right or not? Thank you.

Secretary-General: Well, the reforms that we have launched are reforms of the development system and reforms of the Secretariat, not reforms of the political bodies of the UN, not of the Security Council or the General Assembly. And, in that regard, I think that the Secretary‑General needs to be quite discreet, because, if not, he will probably help create situations that will not help… it will become part of the problem instead of becoming part of the solution.

But, in relation to the reforms that we are promoting, first, what we had until now was essentially a number of decisions that will allow for implementation to start. So now the next steps are essentially steps of implementation. There are a few things that still need to be solved. As you know, the financing of the UN development system is now being worked out, and, at the same time, some of the decisions in relation, for instance, for human resources management have been postponed for a new report that will be presented, so that there are still a number of things that the decisions of the bodies, Fifth Committee, ECOSOC and General Assembly, have asked for additional steps, and there are others that enter into implementation. The objective is to have the essential part of the reform fully on board on 1 January 2019.

Spokesman: Okay. Last question. Joe Klein.

Question: Thank you. Joseph Klein of Canada Free Press. First, a very quick follow‑up on migration. Assuming that the global migration compact is adopted with broad consensus even without the United States, would you consider that to at least be part of… become part of customary international law, even if it’s not technically legally binding under the terms of the compact?

And, secondly, Under‑Secretary‑General Mark Lowbad, in his press briefing yesterday, did not mention anything regarding the potential impact of economic sanctions on the humanitarian situation in North Korea. So, could you please comment on whether you had any discussions with him on this issue and also your own thoughts as to whether there is any such linkage between the sanctions and the humanitarian crisis? Thank you.

Secretary-General: In relation to the second question, Mark Lowbad, the head of OCHA [Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs]just came from North Korea. So, there is a plan that was presented by the humanitarian agencies. We are seeking funds for that plan, and we hope that the international community will understand that this is the moment also to fund the humanitarian plan of support to the people of North Korea. And, at the present moment, this is our track, to try to address directly the humanitarian aspects of all sorts that exist in North Korea.

In relation to migration, I’m not a lawyer, and I presume that this question might be better asked for a lawyer. But, if I remember well my past capacity, I don’t think this can be considered as customary law in the sense, like, for instance, the ‘51 Convention, even for the countries that have not signed it, is valid as customary international law. In the case of something that is not legally binding, I don’t think it can be considered directly as customary international law. What I believe it is, is a form of soft law. I mean, it’s a number of guiding principles that ideally countries should abide by, because the fact it’s not legally binding doesn’t mean that a country that signs it does not commit itself to apply the different aspects that are included in the compact. But I don’t think technically… and I…

Spokesman: We’ll get a lawyer. [Laughter]

Secretary-General: I don’t think technically it can be considered…

Spokesman: Thank you very much.

Secretary-General: Thank you very much.

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