Slack acquires HipChat and Stride; Atlassian is preparing to make a "significant" investment in equities


Slack Technologies announced the acquisition of HipChat and Stride, which will both be discontinued although their experiments should be mixed within the Slack client over time. Along with the acquisition, the San Francisco-based company that supports Microsoft Teams with its native chat service and its dominance of the Workplace Collaboration Software (WCS) market is receiving a capital investment of $ 50 million. Atlbadian, the company behind the HipChat and Stride solutions. Slack has more than eight million active users a day and three million paying users. In May, Slack has more than 70,000 paying organizations. While Microsoft teams have recently emerged as one of the few strong competitors against the cloud-based email client at the workplace, this also rivals the Webex teams from Cisco System and Workplace by Facebook. However, it was initially HipChat that offered stiff competition to Slack.

Confirming the case, Slack Technologies said in a statement that Atlbadian would discontinue HipChat and Stride and provide a migration path to Slack for all their customers. "We are buying IP for HipChat Cloud and Stride to better support this path to Slack, while Atlbadian is making a small, symbolically important investment in our business," adds the company, without formally disclosing financial terms.

relationship between Slack and Atlbadian is not cool. Both companies have already worked together to offer products such as BitBucket, JIRA and Trello for Slack users. That said, the Australian software company launched Stride last year to enhance workplace communication experience with a unified solution for discussions, conference calls and project tracking. The goal was apparently to improve what was offered by HipChat at the initial stage. But ultimately, the company failed to convince companies to move from Slack to its native solution.

"Although we have made great strides in the beginning with Stride, we believe that the best way forward for our customers is to enter strategic partnership with Slack and no longer offer our own Real-time communication products, "says Joff Redfern, vice president of product management at Atlbadian, in a separate statement.

Following this acquisition, HipChat Cloud and Atlbadian Stride discontinued in February the # Next year, a FAQ page confirms that the last day for HipChat and Stride will be February 15, 2019. Similarly, Atlbadian will shut down HipChat Server and HipChat Data Center and work with Slack to provide a migration path for existing users. 2,600 Atlbadian employees will also use Slack.This will contribute a bit to the growing base of users of the behemoth chat workspace.That being said, existing customers who currently use HipChat with their dedicated servers will be able to use the service for up to two years – depending on the version.

"There are several components, all aligned around the consolidation of the partnership and the most important is to take big steps together to make fundamental improvements to the experience of millions of people around the world who use our products every day. " says Stewart Butterfield, co-founder and CEO of Slack in a tweet.

The latest development comes a few days after Microsoft announced a free level of its WCS solutions teams to make some difficulties to Slack. The free version is mainly designed for small teams. Redmond also offers deeper integration for Office 365 subscribers to provide enterprise communication tools via Microsoft Office and Skype.

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