Somali leader travels to Eritrea in possible diplomatic thaw


The president of Somalia has begun a visit to Eritrea in another possible diplomatic thaw in the troubled Horn of Africa region.

A spokesman said President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed left Saturday morning. "Somalia is ready to write a new chapter in its relations with Eritrea," Abdinur Mohamed announced on Twitter

The two nations have not had diplomatic relations for nearly 15 years.

The Eritrean Minister of Information said visit comes at the invitation of longtime leader Isaias Afwerki.

Eritrea, one of the world's most closed nations, remains under UN sanctions after alleged support to Somalia-based extremist al-Shabaab group, which continues to carry out large-scale attacks in the capital, Mogadishu. Eritrea denies supporting armed groups like Al-Shabaab.

The Somali leader's visit follows an astonishing diplomatic thaw in recent weeks between Eritrea and Ethiopia after more than two decades. Ethiopia under new reformist Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has already demanded that UN sanctions on Eritrea be dropped.

The UN Secretary General said the sanctions could be outdated.

of interest to the rich Gulf States just across the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. They have already fought for influence in African nations along one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, including Somalia and Eritrea.

The United Arab Emirates, which establishes a military base at the Eritrean post of Assab. Coalition launched its war against Shia rebels in Yemen in 2015, played a role in restoring relations between Eritrea and Ethiopia, welcoming the leaders of both countries and praising their gestures these days. bold".

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