South Korea donates 33,000 tons of rice to Daadab, refugees from Kakuma


South Korea has
donated 33,000 tons of rice to Kenya to help provide food
helping more than 1.5 million people.

The donation, received by the World Food Program (WFP) on Saturday, will be awarded to refugees living in Kenya,
Ethiopia and Uganda.

WFP said it was the first-ever gift of rice received from Korea adding that it would be of great help to 400,000 refugees living in Dadaab and
Kakuma Refugee Camps.

It is planned to maintain food needs in different camps for at least four months from the month of August.

"15,000 tons of rice have already been shipped
Ethiopia, while an additional 5,000 tons will benefit refugees in Uganda, "said Regional Director Erika Joergensen.
government and the people of Korea for their generosity.

"I really hope and
believe that this is the beginning of a strong partnership between WFP and the
Republic of Korea, "he said.

During his first visit to Kenya, the Prime Minister of
Korea Lee Nak-yon handed part of the shipment to WFP representatives
in a warehouse in Nairobi.

"Rice supplied by the Government of the Republic of
Korea may not be enough to solve the whole problem of hunger, but I hope
"I hope that even a sack of rice can help relieve refugee hunger," he added.
the spirit of these refugees. "

Lee noted that food instability in East Africa had worsened
because of frequent droughts caused by climate change and conflict

instability in the region is too big a burden for a single neighbor
country to bear. "

" WFP playing a key role, the
The community must overcome this food crisis by pooling its resources, "he added.

Prime Minister recognizes the status of food security
UN report according to which one third of the world population, 800 million people, is suffering from malnutrition.

He said that the international community should pool
joint efforts to help Kenya's sustainable development goal
Zero Hunger by 2030.

The Asian leader traveled to Kenya for a two-day official visit. He had talks with President Uhuru Kenyatta at the House of State focusing on Big 4 Agenda and strengthened ties

Lee also said that Korea will open its market in Kenya
agricultural products such as coffee, tea and flowers.

The Prime Minister added that it would also help Kenya.
to achieve universal health coverage and an affordable housing dream

The two countries have signed the cooperation on health
Agreement, which resulted in the strengthening of Kenya's health system.

Some of the current projects on this front include
maternal awareness program, collaboration between national hospitalization insurance
Fund Project and Korean Foundation for International Health and Disease Prevention

Read also: Kenya's Big Four are at the Center of Discussions of South Korean Prime Minister Ruto

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