South Sudan leader says he is ready to sign agreement on outstanding governance issues


  President Salva Kiir signs the Declaration of Agreement in Khartoum on June 27, 2018 (Photo Kamal Omer) "title =" President Salva Kiir signs the Declaration of Agreement in Khartoum on June 27, 2018 (Photo Kamal Omer) "/> [19659002] July 19, 2018 (JUBA) - President Salva Kiir is said to be ready to sign an agreement on outstanding governance issues, in order to prepare for the implementation of the program. a peace agreement concluded three years ago </p>
<p>  the government and opposition delegations expressed their rejection of a draft agreement on governance issues tabled by the Sudanese mediators </p>
<p>  The government negotiating team stated that the proposals went well beyond the outstanding issues. "The South Sudanese people are seeking peace and if this arrangement can bring peace to the people of Sudan. I'm ready to take it, "Kiir said Thursday during a speech prono Born at the swearing-in ceremony of the new Foreign Minister Nhial Deng Nhial </p>
<p>. The spokesman for the government negotiating team announced in Khartoum that two negotiators, Ms. Awut Deng Acuil and Dr. Martin Elia Lomoro, will travel to Juba on Friday for consultations with the president on the project. agreement </p>
<p>. In his speech, President Kiir echoed some concerns about the draft agreement expressed by his information minister who said Wednesday that the proposal of the Sudanese mediators "will probably be even more problematic than the provisions. of the revitalized transitional proposal in Ethiopia. "</p>
<p>" South Sudan has become a field of experimentation Things that have never been done in any government and in any country are being tried in Sudan from the South, that they work or that they do not work, "said Kiir. </p>
<p> "People talk about inclusivity, nobody will be excluded from the government," he said. </p>
<p>  The proposed agreement reduces cabinet members from 35 to 45 ministers but creates a vice president position for SSOA increasing the number of vice presidents to 4 The Sudanese government said the chapter on sharing of power and governance would be initialed on July 17. </p>
<p>  In addition, it was said that the first vice president. the last day of signing will be held on July 26 at a ceremony in which will participate the head of IGAD. </p>
<p>  (ST) </p>
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