South Sudanese deputies extend Salva Kiir's term until 2021


Juba, South Sudan – South Sudanese parliamentarians voted Thursday to extend the term of President Salva Kiir's government by three years, to a degree likely to strike a blow to peace efforts

"The issue five for the year 2018 is adopted by the national legislature, "said President Anthony Lino Makana after legislators voted unanimously to pbad the bill that must now be signed by Kiir [19659003]. until 2021 even as he is engaged in the latest round of regional peace negotiations with his former rebel leader Riek Machar aimed at ending the four-year-old civil war.

Kiir and Machar went to war in December 2013. [19659002] Since then, tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions have been driven out of their homes, triggering a regional refugee crisis and famine. ladder.

Successive negotiations, negotiated by a regional trade bloc called the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), failed to bring peace or even a lasting ceasefire.

The latest talks resulted in a new truce while proposals, including power-sharing, with Machar returned to his previous position. , are still under discussion


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