Sudan and South Sudan announce the imminent opening of four corridors of passage


  Joint teams marking a crossing point between the two countries (undated photo of UNISFA)

3 July 2018 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese Minister of Transport and South Sudanese presidential adviser on security issues agreed Tuesday to open four border crossing points between the two countries in the coming days.

The agreement was announced by the two discuss the implementation of the directives of President al-Bashir to open the border with South Sudan after the signing of the declaration of agreement of Khartoum on June 27th.

This decision is part of the recently announced measures to encourage the South Sudanese parties to implement a peace agreement that they signed in August 2015. He said that it would facilitate the movement of citizens and the flow of people. trade between the two countries.

Speaking in Khartoum after the meeting Tut Galuwak told reporters that they had discussed the opening of the border and he asked to open all the crossing points on as soon as possible to encourage trade between the two sides of the border. "Minister Makawi has expressed the readiness of his government to implement President al-Bashir's directives and we would like to announce the good news that the decision includes road, rail and Nile crossing points," Galuwak said.

For his part, Minister Makawi Awad confirmed what Galuwak announced and added that four points would be opened very early before the departure of the South Sudanese leader of Khartoum.

"These four corridors of pbadage, says Awad , include the road and Kosti-Renk river, Meriam-Aweil, rails and road, Heglig-Bentiu and Al Sumayyah corridors. "

Some of the four points were marked last March as both countries were Have not yet finalized border demarcation talks since the secession of South Sudan in July, after the independence of South Sudan, President al-Bashir ordered the closure of the border. border accusing Juba of supporting Sudanese rebels in the states of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile

. the decision did not completely stop trade between the two sides as border regions on both sides had historically strong trade relations.

Minister Awad said the Sudanese private sector will help restore roads and transportation.


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