Syria heads to the Golan



Syrian forces continue to gain ground near the borders with Israel and Jordan. Sometimes they use force (that is, Russia) and sometimes negotiations. Anyway, at any speed. However, an interesting twist is an agreement that has been reached in recent days in northern Syria. Two Shiite villages (pro-Syrian government) have been besieged for years by Sunni rebels (al-Qaeda), near rebel-controlled Idlib province. According to the agreement, the villages are evacuated and Syria releases many rebel prisoners. So, contrary to what many might think, there is no sign that this conflict is nearly over. The rebels remain strong in the northwestern province of Idlib and are supported to some extent by Turkey. It's quite complicated. ISIS still exists as well. Never count them.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to regularly bombard Iranian targets and Hezbollah across Syria without any criticism or anything else from Russia. Seems Putin and President Trump even discussed this at their recent summit. It's very good to be strong. People are forced to take you seriously.


Hamas and its fellow terrorists continue to attack Israel in the south. Until now with a small Israeli response. According to reports, the army chief said that he refused to attack those who sent kites with bombs. Quite weird, but it's a peach. Whatever the case may be, politicians are finally tired of it. The army has been ordered to prepare for a full invasion of Gaza. And Hamas was told to stop the kites before Sunday or the attack arrives. It looks like they're already reducing them, but they do not have to stop before sunday so I'm sure there will be some. Here. I mean, why not?

The situation is totally absurd, but since the abandonment of Gaza, Israel has few realistic choices. This is what happens when you take the thoughtless and cowardly loophole.

Two great laws being discussed right now – one already pbaded and the other seems to be about to pbad (maybe). Both are directed against the Israeli Supreme Court and their abuse of power in recent years. There are laws that aim to reduce that.

New Law of Non-Supreme Court:

Basically, this law that was already pbaded this week, takes a crazy situation and makes it normal. In the past, if an Arab and a Jew had a land dispute in Judea and Samaria, the Arab could bring his claim directly to the Israeli Supreme Court. No need for evidence or anything like that, like in a normal court. Now, all conflicts must first go through the ordinary Jerusalem court. Of course, this could eventually be brought before the Supreme Court, but it would be after a full trial based on evidence. Certainly not good for the Arabs. The evidence / truth is their sworn enemy in court.

Nationality Act:

This is a law introduced 7 years ago by the leftists to proclaim Israel as a Jewish state. Hebrew and others. Not very exciting, but necessary because of the Supreme Court. All this was supposed for many years, but then they decided that it was not the case, so now it has to be a law. That's all. Non-Jews are not happy. Shocking. It seems that a country for the Jews is one too many.

Government Coalition:

The coalition government seems to have regained stability for the time being. Why? Because the government has asked the Supreme Court for an extension to adopt a new ultra-orthodox bill. The previous law was invalidated by the Supreme Court (because they wanted to) and should expire in the coming weeks. The current Knesset seems unable to get a new law by then, so they asked for an extension of 7 months. If they get it, the government will continue. Otherwise, who knows. Currently, the next elections are scheduled for in 15 months . If they can get out, they have a good chance of arriving until the end. An achievement in Israeli politics!

Birthright walk-off:

Finally, this nonsense. 8 The participants of American Birthright Israel have prematurely left their trip this week to join the leftists who will say goodbye to illegal Arab squatters who will soon be expelled. So touching. Obviously, all this was planned well in advance. This happened during another Birthright trip. I can not go over everything that's wrong, but I'll just mention that they could easily have waited until the trip was over to do what they wanted. It's all a show and a show by just a few strange people. Birthright has gathered 600,000 participants, it's even less than a drop in a bucket. His kind of bearded lady, with the exception of his 8 bearded women


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