The First 100 Days of President Bio to Transform the Economy of Sierra Leone – Sierra Leone Telegraph


Sierra Leone Telegraph: July 22, 2018:

In his draft of the Manifesto of the Sierra Leonean People's Party, 2018, President Julius Maada Bio, then a candidate for the presidential election, writes: " Our new leadership therefore offers the Sierra Leonean people a striking choice between the current "statutory status quo" of the APC that has converted Sierra Leone into a land of poverty, rampant corruption, corruption and corruption. Blatant indiscipline and underdevelopment and the promise of the SLPP's new leadership of efficient and effective state management make Sierra Leone a significantly better country through inclusive policies, inclusive economic growth , inclusive development and inclusive governance. "

This Stark choice was made blatant by the economic burden left by the congressional government $ 1.6 billion; domestic debt rising to 4.99 trillion Le; an exploded mbad of work of 2 billion Le; The state's arrears to local entrepreneurs and suppliers amounting to 1.4 billion US dollars, or 10,700 billion pounds; the suspension of the extended credit facility by the International Monetary Fund; and the suspension of Shandong Steel's operations as the largest exporter of iron ore.

With such a legacy, President Bio's priority in his first 100 days was to continue fiscal consolidation focused primarily on strengthening domestic revenue mobilization and streamlining spending to restore macroeconomic stability.

Despite the government's impressive economic recovery measures, the achievements of the first 100 days of governance, including the historical reading of the government's supplementary budget on July 13, 2018, have shown a real government A new direction

Bio has led the government's achievements during its first 100 days, can be seen in four key policy areas: Transforming the economy; Human Development; Improving Governance and Improving Infrastructure

So what did the government do to transform the economy?

The new administration took charge of the country's governance in very difficult economic conditions. To meet these challenges, President Bio announced two separate Executive Decrees: Decree-Law No. 1 on Revenue Mobilization (published on April 9, 2018) and Decree-Law No. 2 on Expenditure Control (issued on April 1, 2018). April 25, 2018). 1.12 trillion LeL in 2015-2017.

Within 100 days, the Bio-led government set up a special committee to review the current process and develop a plan. In April and June, the government collected a total of 1,100 billion lei of domestic revenue (a monthly average of 356.7 billion lire, far exceeding the monthly collection of 271 billion lire in the same period in 2017, reflecting strong efforts by the government to revenue forgiveness and the fight against excessive duty exemptions.

Before the new government took office, several MDAs were collected and in its first 100 days the government set up the single account of the government. Treasury and total collections of the Treasury agencies reached LE 104 billion in April – June, including $ 60 billion

Prior to Legislative Decree No. 1, petroleum marketing companies were paying excise duties and arrears of two months or more. This has led to difficulties in reconciling payments due and actual payments.

Within the first 100 days, in accordance with the law, the Customs and Excise Department would now allow petroleum marketing companies to export petroleum products from deposits only after: (i) payment of excise duty ii) 50 percent of the import duty before the uprising; 50 percent within 7 days after the uprising, failing which the law fully applies

Following the revenue mobilization campaign, this fiscal space allowed the government to pay the salaries of civil servants and officials. the staff of subsidized agencies without recourse to national bank loans. In addition, the government has been able to provide resources to MDAs, including universities and other institutions of higher education; Anti-Corruption Commission; National Revenue Authority; Sierra Leone Audit Service, police, military and correctional services; as well as pay the examination fees for NPSE, the contribution to NASSIT for civil servants and other public sector employees and the subsidy to EDSA and GETG

In addition, APC blew up a payroll of 2 billion Le.

In the first 100 days, the Ministry of Finance, through the Department of the Accountant General, began cleaning up the Treasury. Government payroll by ensuring that all public sector workers over the age of 60 are removed from the payroll as of May 2018, with the exception of teachers whose deadline has been extended to August 2018.

2,118 employees completed their missions. It is expected that the government will save about 5 billion lei per month, which has recruited 1,600 new teachers.

Travel expenses abroad represent a significant part of the recurrent expenditure of MDAs. In the first 100 days, the Ministry of Finance ensured that MDA travel costs met approved budgets. In addition, daily allowances will no longer be paid to government officials on their return travel for official travel.

The implementation of this measure is already fully effective. The government is able to realize 11 billion savings through the implementation of these measures, with 760 million for trips abroad.

In the first 100 days, the Ministry of Finance ensured that 60 million leones (60 million leones) are made through open tender, except in exceptional circumstances such as natural disasters and epidemics and safety equipment.

In accordance with Article 23 of the Bank of Sierra Leone Law (2011), the Government has ensured that contract prices are denominated and payable only in local currency (Leones) and all existing contracts already denominated in foreign currency are therefore paid in local currency. Public contracts awarded would now be awarded in local currency. With this measure, all remaining payments for contracts previously negotiated in US dollars must now be paid in local currency.

In the first 100 days, the government stopped paying for fuel, internet and mobile phone services in homes. all government officials, except the President, Vice-President, Attorney General, Chief Justice and Speaker of the House of Parliament and their respective deputies. In addition, all fuel deliveries to the residences of these officials ended with immediate effect.

In the first 100 days, the government strengthened fiscal discipline and transparency in the management of public resources. billion in April-May 2018, against 535.2 billion per month for the same period in 2017.

In the first 100 days, the Ministry of Finance, through the Audit Department, instituted a financial audit and technical / forensic on all domestic arrears for goods and services left behind by the previous government amounting to LE 10 700 billion (US $ 1.4 billion). The audit aims to verify the authenticity of the arrears and should be completed in mid-August.

The IMF's Expanded Credit Facility program derailed under the previous administration, mainly due to weak revenue collection from non-implementation of measures agreed with the IMF. In the first 100 days, the Ministry of Finance relaunched the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) with the IMF.

Subsequently, the IMF paid a staff visit to Freetown on June 4 to 1945. ] 2018, to take stock of the country's economic, fiscal and financial situation. The IMF congratulated the government for the measures taken so far and a second visit is planned for September 2018.

During the first 100 days, the Ministry of Finance conducted a review of the system used to monitor and monitor the status of the audit recommendations, as well as the progress made by the MDAs in implementing the Auditor General's recommendations contained in its 2015 annual audit report.

During the first 100 days, the Ministry of Finance has budget support that has not been disbursed by the development partners in 2017. In particular, the Ministry of Finance has asked the World Bank to increase the amount of money. budget support to US $ 30 million for 2018 and the Ministry finalized the financing agreement with the European Union. 2018 – 2020: 80 million euros.

The budget support program is expected to be submitted to the World Bank Board in October 2018 and the conditions precedent to disbursement for EU funding will be completed by the end of July 2018. and submitted to the European Union for the release of budget support of 2018.

In the first 100 days, the Minister of Finance tables in Parliament, an additional revised government budget and a statement of economic policies and financial topics on "Towards effective economic management".

In the first 100 days and to drive the delivery process, the Minister of Agriculture set up an Advisory and Resource Mobilization Team to badist ministers and the professional team in delivering agricultural services.

The team was tasked with creating an effective system for delivering and harmonizing MAF operations with the President's vision and priorities. Agriculture; promote accountability and coordinate efforts across departmental divisions and with partners.

Acknowledging the indispensable role of the private sector in achieving food self-sufficiency, as stated in the opening speech of In May 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food. Agriculture Planned to Host a Pioneering Conference on Investment in the Private Sector

The conference will seek to draw the private sector's attention to profitable investment opportunities in the food chain. value of rice in Sierra Leone. The consultative engagement will aim not only to make sound arguments for investment in the agricultural sector, but also to secure concrete commitments from key private sector actors.

Intensive logging is a major threat to Sierra Leonean forests;

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is leading the development and operationalization of a national forest management agency to ensure the sustainable management of our forest resources.

In the same vein, a sustained national reforestation campaign is planned for August 2018 to take advantage of the rains. MAF has also launched a public-private partnership to develop a real-time monitoring system for sustainable forest management.

In the first 100 days, the distribution of inputs for the 2018 season began: 40,000 farm families to 1 bushel (25kg) / the farm family will be supported for lowland rice farming across the country; 74,000 bags (3,700 metric tonnes) of fertilizer were prepositioned for distribution to farmers across the country to accompany seed rice.

The previous PCA government was very weak in tax collection of mining companies. In the first 100 days, the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources raised $ 2.7 million from various mining companies on revenue collection.

The Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources was expecting $ 3.3 million from the KINGHO Mining Company by the end of 2018 and a payment plan has already been submitted for this amount.

The Ministry of Mining and Mineral Resources is in the process of canceling 40 mining rights, which will free up more space for potential investors.

Days, three policy papers were reviewed and the comments incorporated, ready for discussion and Cabinet approval. These documents are: Sierra Leone's Mining Policy Project; draft of the artisbad mining policy and draft data management policy. These documents will shape and inform the Revised Mining and Mineral Law of 2009.

At the time of taking office, revenues generated amounted to Leos 36.83 billion for January to March 2018. In the first 100 days since the SLPP government came to power and on June 12, 2018, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has generated a total of LBP 48.69 billion. This does not include the $ 455,000 sanctions imposed on fishing vessels for various crimes committed.

In the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, the Department uses a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) by satellite. monitor the activities of all fishing vessels authorized in the waters of the country.

A team of experts from the Fisheries Training Program of the United Nations University and Regional Fisheries Program of West Africa (WARFP) organized a training workshop on Surveillance System Ships Data from May 28 to June 1, 2018. The overall objective of the workshop was to introduce participants to the use of vessel monitoring system data in fisheries management and fisheries management applications. provide a way to exchange ideas for more complete training.

In order to provide the necessary financial resources to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources has agreed to support the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources with the support of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources. other operational costs to be able to monitor the territorial waters with the badistance of the patrol vessel SIK Fisheries

. Aviation and the head of the Delegation of the European Union to Sierra Leone to accelerate the activities to be carried out for the repeal of the yellow card of the European Union.

One of his main concerns is the removal of fishing vessels from a maritime registry in Cyprus, which the government can not monitor or control. As a flag State, Sierra Leone should be able to monitor the activities of all fishing vessels flying its flag even in international waters.

During the first 100 days, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry of Health to address the issues of quality badurance of fish. They have already met the Head of the European Union in Freetown to start contacting the Animal Health Directorate of the European Union (DG SANTE) in order to deal with the export of the products of the fishing to the EU.

Resources visited the Goderich, Tombo, Bo, Gbondapi, Sulima and Shenge fishing stations, which have never been done before by previous ministers. The visit also included a tour of the Department's facilities, including fish receiving centers that are not yet fully operational. The ministry saw the need for a fisheries extension office, a station in Sulima, due to the mbadive presence of foreign fishermen, mainly Liberians, as it is a border town and many conflicts with the local population

Marine Resources obtained land and informed the Ministry of Finance of the need to make the antennas functional as they provide extension services to fishing communities, especially for data collection fisheries and fisheries monitoring in this area. complete the closure of the Bo Aquaculture and Experimental Station which has been subjected to intense encroachment by the population. The basins are rehabilitated and stored for fish production. This will reduce fishing pressure in the marine sector and provide much needed fish in the provinces.

Fish farming or aquaculture is a key priority for the administration of the new leadership and the minister wants to ensure that major cities headquarter have fully functional aquaculture sites to address the issue of the availability and accessibility of fish.

On June 18, 2018, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources held its inaugural meeting with a delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China after the signing of a memorandum of understanding. agreement on fisheries cooperation between the two countries in October 2017.

The inaugural meeting was to plan how the Joint Fisheries Committee can work together to implement what is written in the protocol for the fisheries. ;agreement. Fisheries and Marine Resources, as well as the Department of Finance, the NRA and the Accountant General have decided that the rights of We will come back on this point even though there have been some increases last year. Ministry staff and the NRA are currently reviewing fees and other charges based on fees collected in the sub-region.

In the first 100 days, the examination and drafting of the National Heritage Bill are underway at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. This bill will establish an arts and entertainment board. In addition, the review of the Tourism Development Act 1990 aims to improve the functioning and provision of the tourism sector.

A public-private partnership unit and a community outreach unit were created at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. the gap between the private sector, stakeholders and the ministry.

A three-year partnership with PUM (Dutch training organization) was concluded to strengthen the capacity of the Hospitality and Tourism Training Center (HTTC), Brookfields Campus. 19659002] The first national consultative conference for the entertainment industry organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture on 23/06/2018 with the aim of proposing measures that will enhance growth and the development of the industry.

Ministry of Tourism and Culture has entered into a partnership with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Arts of Burkina Faso to allow the participation of Artisans in the largest African artistic and cultural projects. An exhibition on rafts will be held in Ouagadougou in November 2018.

The installation of mobile toilets along Lumley Beach has been facilitated. Plans have been put in place for the development of Levuma Beach with the use of ecological structures in collaboration with the Levuma community. This provides an alternative livelihood for the community while at the same time providing beach protection in return. The model needs to be replicated in other tourist sites

Discussions with key players underway to support the Cultural Village and the creation of an Institute of Arts and Non-Formal Culture. And, the initiative for the regular supply of the national dance troupe by FAO in progress.

Source: Office of the Press Secretary Report on the first 100 days of President Bio


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