The leader of Ethiopia arrives in Eritrea for an unprecedented summit between ancient enemies


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited Eritrea, former rival, on Sunday for an unprecedented summit with long-time leader Isaias Afwerki .

Eritrean state television showed an Ethiopian Airlines plane landing at the sparse airport of the Eritrean capital of Asmara, where a fanfare was formed to greet the prime minister during the first visit of this kind for two decades

. Africa's neighbors have been sworn enemies for 20 years since they fought a brutal ground war from 1998 to 2000 that killed at least 70,000 people. In the meantime, the two sides clashed several times and supported rival rebel movements.

Abiy was greeted by Isaias himself at the airport and they pbaded in front of the band and the guard of honor. The two men were greeted by women in traditional costumes waving palm leaves as well as rows of officials before retiring to the VIP lounge of the airport and sitting under portraits of the men. 39 themselves sipping juice

. ] State television also showed crowds in front of the airport waving Eritrean and Ethiopian flags.

Before leaving the airport, Abiy invaded the crowd of women and exchanged hugs.

The change in relations between the two countries stunned the observers. For the first time in decades, Ethiopian flags adorned the streets of Asmara and other cities in preparation for Abiy's visit, according to tweeted photos by Natalie Brown , American chef de mission at Asmara. "Abiy Ahmed has gone to Eritrea, Asmara today to deepen efforts to bring lasting peace between the Ethiopian people and Eritrea," he tweeted. "Our two nations share a unique story and a bond, we can now overcome two decades of mistrust and move in a new direction."

Nearly 30 years ago, the future leaders of both countries were comrades in the fight against the Ethiopian communist dictatorship. After its overthrow and the declaration of independence of Eritrea, relations deteriorated despite close cultural and linguistic ties.

The new Ethiopian reformist Prime Minister Abiy broke the stalemate between the two countries on June 5 by accepting the 2000 Isaias Peace Accord accepted the overtures as a "positive" gesture and sent a week later later a delegation led by his Minister of Foreign Affairs in Addis Ababa. There was talk of reopening this year long-term air links between the two countries

. The summit will likely involve negotiations on how to begin the complex process of returning territories and separating populations and restoring links. Under Abiy, Ethiopia appears to be embarking on a new path of reform, but Eritrea has been characterized as one of the most authoritarian states in Africa

. Meeting "announces a new era of peace and cooperation", Eritrea. Information Minister Yemane Meskel tweeted Sunday

In interviews broadcast live on Eritrean public television, people welcomed the visit and welcomed peace between the two countries. Ethiopia says it is ready to implement the peace agreement with Eritrea

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